Chapter 1

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My heels make a ticking sound echo through the white corridor.  With my black dress in my hands to prevent me from reaching my destination without tearing my clothes.  I move as fast as my heels can move me through the corridors.  A smile shining on my face and a head in the clouds. Months we have waited for this moment, years or even centuries.  It is finally here.  Who would ever have thought that this moment would come again.  With everything the world has to offer right now, a gift like this couldn't have been better timed.

200. 201. 202.  At 203, I stop.  The white door is already releasing its greatest secret.  The smile that has been on my face for hours only gets bigger at this sight.  I keep my mouth shut and keep the silence, to prevent that i disturb this beautiful moment.  My eyes glide over the cloths wrapped in Jamie's arms.  Not only has the smile taken over my face, his lips have also taken over.  Not wierd at a moment like this.

I still silently claimed the place in the doorway.  My eyes have stuck to the cloths in the boy's arms.  With my head dreaming away in the clouds, I only noticed a little late that his eyes have shifted from the cloths, to me.  Our eyes meet and a smile graces our lips.  Those beautiful blue eyes are full of happiness, full of hope.  The bags under his eyes reveal that the last few hours have been hard.

Jamie silently stretches out his hand to me as an invitation to accompany him.  With soft steps I move from the doorpost to the boy with the cloths in his arms.  More and more clearly what the cloths are hiding comes into my sight.  I grab the boy's hand and stop next to him.  Carefully he slides the cloths a little to the side and it becomes more clear.  A beautiful white skin, pink lips and a perfectly shaped face.  So fragile.

"Would you like to hold her?' Jamie's the first to break the silence in the room.  Words have been taken away from me so a single nod is my answer.  Carefully, Jamie lifts the cloths in his arms.  I go lightly through my knees to tackle the cloths as if they were made of diamonds.  Slowly and carefully he puts the cloths in my arms and leaves them entirely to me.  I put myself back straight on the black heels I am wearing and let my eyes glide to the fragile creature in the cloths.

Her eyes are still closed, still keeping their secret.  'Everything went well,' Jamie tells me in silence.  I nod ankle again.  I have seen many things come and go in my life, yet this moment remains the most beautiful thing the earth can give us.  I don't dare to move my arms and only let my eyes take it in, her to be precise.

Minutes glide by while I don't move my eyes for a moment.  Slowly the eyelashes of the little girl slide back.  A deep blue eye is revealed.  Not only one deep blue eye is revealed, the first one is soon followed by the second one. Deep blue, as if looking into the darkest night.  The girl seems to have been kissed through the night.

One moment I look into the deep blue, the next moment the beautiful eyes turn to deep black.  A shiver glides down my entire spine.  Tingling runs through my veins and my lifelines turn into the same deep black.  The black passes through my lifelines to my eyes that color exactly the same as the girl in my arms.  At that moment the question is answered, the question I have carried with me all my life.  The person I have been looking for all my life is lying in my arms.

The discoloration of our eyes and everything around them happens in less than a second.  As fast as the light rages, the girl's eyes turn back to deep blue.  How she can look at me as if nothing had happened, I am completely upset.  'Celeste'. My eyes slide towards Jamie.  He looks at me with a shocked expression on his face.

His eyes speak volumes.  The little girl in my arms, who'd have thought.  A baby, not a warrior.  A girl, not a strong man.  Jamie wants to open his mouth but I interrupt him before he can betray himself.  'Jamie. Till the time comes, keep your mouth shut'.  My announcement is clear and beyond a shadow of doubt, he doesn't have to resist.  His eyes are shooting at me from the canvasses, looking for answers.  I can imagine the questions shooting through his head.  How clear it will be for me, so unclear it will be for him.

Jamie's answer I one nod.  His eyes speak other words than his agreement, but I don't allow any resistance.  He slowly gets up from the chair he had taken his seat on.  The blond boy rises half a head above me, despite the heels I'm wearing.  His height doesn't impress me, I know him too well and for too long.

His eyes go back to the girl lying in my arms. They stay there. They admire the girl, her beauty in all her glory. In his eyes you can see a tremendous rage of emotions. They shoot from an intense joy to the enormous question marks that are not to be missed. Then, after minutes, he opens his mouth again. He answers the question I didn't dare ask 'Her name is Rafiki'.

The Night Rider حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن