Chapter 14

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I listen carefully to the whole story of Celeste and try to absorb all the information. I try to read her emotions, while the words leave her mouth. I try to understand why she made that choice and to think if I could do the same. If I could ever leave Reviri.

The words have left her mouth and I can only make up one reaction. I extend my hand to Celeste as an offer to sit on the back of Reviri. My offer doesn't seem to come straight to her until her eyes reveal a dilemma. On the one hand she would like nothing more than to accept my hand, on the other hand I see a big doubt.

Eventually she shakes her head. 'No, I said goodbye years ago' As she says it, the doubt is still visible 'Come on,' I encourage her. She shakes her head and takes a step back. Celeste lets her gaze slide towards Jamie and his dragon. Then she puts her gaze back on me. 'We'll fly with you' A modest smile appears between her lips.

I just nod. She walks towards Jamie's red dragon. My father and I cross each other's eyes. We both don't know what to say so we do something we apparently share, fly through the clouds. Jamie turns around and runs after Celeste to his dragon. He takes his place for her on the saddle. 'pigaíno'

After my command Reviri spreads his wings and pushes himself with his strength into the air. The silk wings are as strong as stone and it's not strange that we threaten the clouds within seconds. I keep myself straight on the saddle and move my feet to the other supports when necessary. The saddle does not contain reins.

I wait for the red dragon to threaten me. With my feet I indicate to Reviri which direction he has to go. Seeing Celeste with the knowledge we just received from her, is different. I cannot and will not imagine what it must be like to leave Reviri behind, knowing that he will be hunted. Giving up the only freedom the world has to offer isn't even an option that comes to my mind.

I look at the red dragon coming from behind the clouds and see Celeste sunk far in her mind. Her eyes are empty and they stare at Reviri. It hurts me to see the woman like this. It's as if she sees her happiness flying beside her and refuses to take it. One day she will have that freedom as I experience it, I'm sure of it.


Flames colour the village, screams can be heard deep in the forest and death is more present than it can be. Life is being torn out of people before my eyes. The oh-so-peaceful village that just lay there quietly goes up in flames before my eyes. People run like torches through the streets and fall down like cut flowers.

The pain of going up in flames alive is the worst that appears to exist. I should feel horror at the sight, be shocked and want nothing more than to help. My duties as a princess are to help my people and protect them from disaster like this. Not only do I feel no pity, it is my fire that is destroying this peaceful village.

From the back of Reviri I watch the burning houses, full of joy. My list of murders once began with a single one that went badly. Meanwhile, my list of names is innumerable and the villages become cities. A list I do not consider as an achievement, but rather a curse. Rather an elaboration of the curse in me.

The black magic that runs through my veins makes me do the cruellest things, enlarge my list and enjoy it. The anger that makes me move seeks its outlets in its cruellest form. The one second the fire hits the buildings, someone leaves life or the pain is visible gives me a moment to breathe. That my lifelines do not feel as if they are being torn apart.

Not a single word is spoken in the castle about the consequences of my curse. Celeste knows and hides my list. Short conversations have been made about it, I've fought against it, but it's useless. Those few seconds that I don't feel my lifelines burning is an addiction that gets bigger and bigger.

Those one seconds without pain is the one I cherish and hate at the same time. My lifelines are slowly being devoured by the curse that runs through my veins. This slow destruction makes my body always feel as if I am condemned to be burned at the stake. The energy of death gives my lifelines back their strength for a second, allowing me to breathe.

As soon as the last people have left life, the pain in my lines returns and I let a sigh slide over my lips. Sometimes there are times when I would give up my magic to get rid of this pain, but I know that wouldn't matter for a second.

I let one last glimpse glide over the village and then suffer Reviri away from the village. As I go back to the castle, I look below me at the ants that people should be imagining. Buried in my thoughts, I do not realize that the castle is coming closer than I had foreseen. I look up in amazement as soon as I see a heap of horses with his riders at the gate.

I try to see if they are our riders and after a few seconds I can conclude that they are not. The horses are wearing a blue and red flag indicating only one group. A group that my mother controls but in other situations are the biggest enemy. Not so much from her, but from her cursed daughter. The Dawn.

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