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I started this story with the sentence if life were boring, wouldn't we be bored? At the end of this story, I yearn for that little bit of boredom, a little bit of normal and boring. Life is not always easy, fun or interesting. It has its dark sides, sadness and pain. It is not only about those nice moments, it is also about fighting those dark times, fighting for your place.

I often think back to the moment when Rafiki fell into Noa's arms, her body going limp and left lifeless. The look in Noa's eyes, the pain and disbelief. He didn't seem to realise what had happened, what we had done. Everything in my told me to run to Noa, but I had a spell to finish. Those last few words that passed my lips were one of the heaviest.

The time after Rafiki's departure I often imagined, thought about. I had thought of all the outcomes and claimed my place in them, only it was none of them. For a while life was still normal, going on as we used to. Soon Noa disappeared into thin air, still I have no idea where the boy is hiding. He never said it, but the loss was so heavy that he didn't want to be here.

Malia retreated to her wolves, something else I had not expected. Novak stayed in the castle for a long time until he got bored of the peace and quiet, he continued his journey. Chea and Elien left less than a year ago, looking for a ghost from the past. Nuri and Jamie stayed here to fulfil their duties as queen and king.

It took a long time before I dared to let Reviri out of his cage, Novak and Jamie forced me to. I have tried to leave this castle behind me, several times in my life. Each time I come back here, I find my place in these dark corridors. It is my home and prison at the same time, forced to remain faithful. My flights with Reviri are one of the few moments I leave the castle.

Something in me holds me back, my loyalty to Rafiki. The defenceless girl in the white dress, only her heart beats. I have seen the years go by, Rafiki grow up again. The scale that connects us shows me how life goes for her, how she grows up and learns. I see a very different girl and exactly the same at the same time. I enjoy watching Rafiki, seeing her story.

Years ago, when Rafiki was still here, Chea, Elien, Novak, Nuri, Jamie and I made a promise. None shall touch the lines as long as we watch. With Rafiki's departure, my magic waning, the four lines are open to anyone who dares to attempt them. We promised each other that as long as we live, no one will succeed, a promise we have not yet had to keep.

A young girl once told me to go on living, to seek happiness. Happiness in love has never been my thing, never will be. I promised Rafiki that I would seek my happiness and find it. Right now, I am sitting at my desk, reading through my papers. I dare say I have not found my happiness yet, not at its highest level.

I am happy with Reviri and those around me. I am enjoying watching Rafiki tell her new story, watching over her body. Although I don't feel that I have found my happiness yet, I have a feeling that I will.

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