Chapter 82

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This is the first time in maybe ten years that I have hugged my mother, it feels uncomfortable. My mother's arms wrap around me for a moment before she lets go and pushes me back a little. 'First I want you to know that most of it is monk's hood, which is heavy poison. Your blood is already poisoned by itself so the chance of it doing anything to you is very small, yet it is not out of the question'.

I nod in understanding and don't even have to think about it. That small certainty is enough. 'Again. You will probably spend your whole life wondering if it is true what you think, what you hear and what you feel. All I can say for sure is that you will remember and you will see glimpses of what is happening here'. I nod understandingly. 'I want to'. My mother smiles and nods approvingly. She holds out the glass bottle, full of blue liquid, to me.

I take the bottle from her hand and look at the liquid. It is so deep blue that it is hard to see what else is in it. far away, I can see some bits floating like herbs. Without hesitation, I pull the cork from the bottle, my eyes first glancing over the women in front of me. I put the opening to my lips and pour the liquid into my body, leaving a burning sensation behind. As if a match were running through my gullet.

I stagger to my feet as soon as I feel an enormous heat run through my body, my mother supporting me. As quickly as the heat came, as quickly it disappears. I look at my arms and see the black veins fade for a tiny bit. Despite the fact that monk's hood is a heavy poison, I don't feel anything. I didn't know yet that my blood was like poison, I had a suspicion. I don't even want to know what it looks like, what it might do to another person.

'It may start to take effect a little later, report it as soon as you feel anything strange'. I look at Malia who has appeared out of nowhere here. 'Congratulations Rafiki, also to your mate'. I look at her confused by the name mate. I also wonder how the woman knows about this. 'Apologies, your mother told me when I arrived'. Surprised, I look at my mother, assuming she did not agree. She lets a sigh pass her lips.

'Maybe Noa isn't the one I had in mind at first glance, he's good for you though. If it interests you, you have our approval'. I turn around and look at my father, his smile says it all. Even though they wouldn't have been able to argue with it anyway, I'm glad to hear it. 'Thank you', is my reply. Malia takes a step forward. 'If you'll excuse me, I've left my husband with Elien'. Her look says enough to tell me that those two don't have the best relationship. I start to laugh and take a step aside, clearing the way.

'Let me briefly explain how we are going to do it today. Dinner starts in two hours, that's with the resident and Malia. At seven o'clock the party will start in the main hall. At half past eleven we move to this room for the spell'. Celeste didn't have to explain it to me, but I'm glad she does. Celeste takes a step forward. 'Enjoy yourself and try not to think too much about tonight'. I visibly swallow but nod, she's right no matter how painful it might be.

My mother claps her hands to end this part of the day. We leave the office together and continue our way through the corridors. At first I try to find Noa but he is nowhere to be found, nobody seems to know where he is. I fill the two hours with helping the servants in the dining room, something they told me not to do several times. Maybe I should start doing everything I can now, but I have no desire to do so. Right now, I want to go along with the daily routine.


Time flies by until we are ten minutes away from the opening of dinner. I'm just putting a plate on the table until I'm startled by a voice I haven't heard in a long time. 'Rafiki?'. Surprised, I turn around and look into David's eyes. David left a while ago for his further education, I didn't expect to see him before my departure. After our stay at Noa's he left without saying anything, something I blame him for. 'David,' I mutter in discomfort.

'Uuhm, you look good'. He clearly doesn't know what to say as it is a lie, the black veins and my pale appearance do not make a good appearance. 'I didn't expect to see you again', I confess. I have known David for a long time, since childhood. He always seemed to show an interest in me but not me in him, at least not on the level he would like. A couple of times I went out of my way to get too intimate with him, I'm glad that never went any further than that. He runs a hand through his hair uncomfortably. 'Uuhm yes, I've finished my training. I'm officially a guard and your father has offered me a job'.

I nod understandingly, not knowing whether to congratulate him. 'Congratulations,' he says in quick succession. 'Thanks,' I mumble. 'Well then, I guess I'll be seeing more of you in the future'. I nod, in a lie. David knows nothing of the coming event, nothing of Yin or Noa. He only knows that I am cursed, which is also outdated information. Something tells me it's better to keep my mouth shut about it, leave him in a daze. 'Ladies and Gentlemen, please take your seats for dinner'. As if saved by Celeste's voice. I smile vaguely at David, not knowing exactly where the discomfort is coming from, before taking my seat.

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