Chapter 85

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Fortunately, Noa agrees with me and nods his head. As soon as I start walking, I realise my hair is loose and I look at Noa in surprise. 'My mother did a wonderful job but that loose hair looks better on you'. I roll my eyes and walk, without saying anything, to the door. Noa opens the door and guides me into the corridor. Music can be heard in the corridors, the lights are out and the only light comes from the many candles.

Loud chatter and laughter echo through the rooms. The ballroom has a long staircase leading down, Chea insisted that I come down from there. Noa leads me to the beginning of the stairs and then lets go of my hand. As soon as I reach the beginning, I can see the number of guests standing in the hall. The hall is dark, lit with the same candles as in the corridor. There are silver balloons everywhere and the room seems to be filled with at least a hundred applicants.

I stand at the top of the stairs, staring at the crowd, petrified. The last time I saw so many people together, they were burnt to ashes half an hour later. Now they are standing at the bottom of the stairs, chatting and drinking. The mere sight of them makes me uneasy and makes me want to run away. I am about to turn around and run away, until someone notices me. I press my eyelids together, hoping that as soon as I open them the man will look away.

'Royal Highness Princess Rafiki'. A man's shout through the microphone stops all sound. The whole room falls silent, eyes lock onto me and even the music is turned off. I check whether I still have a chance to turn around and disappear, concluding that this is not the case. An apparition pushes itself through the crowd and comes to stand under the stairs, when I look closer I see it's Noa.

Noa sends me an encouraging smile. I take a breath of air and then put my foot down on the first step. Step by step I make my way towards Noa. All eyes are on me; they should know what kind of killer they are looking at. The main feeling in my body is discomfort, but pride and self-confidence come with the step up. With increasing confidence and pleasure I continue on my way.

The last three steps I look into Noa's blue eyes. He holds out a hand to me, which I take willingly. My last foot strikes the solid ground of the auditorium floor, everyone bows and starts clapping. Noa slowly pulls me towards the dance floor. 'Will he be our new king? The failed son of the Supreme?' Although it's a soft whisper, I hear it loud and clear.

I turn around, heavily irritated, and pull my hand out of Noa's. I look the man in question straight in the eye. I look the man in question straight in his brown eyes, fear arises. I want to scold the man, to flatten him to the ground. My hand is grasped and again I am pulled along by Noa. 'Leave it', he whispers. Before I can say anything else, we arrive at the dance floor and music starts playing.

Noa's hands slide around my body, both around my waist. I let Noa pull me across the dance floor, not knowing what to do. I can't dance and have never attended a party like this before. My feet follow the rhythm of the music, letting themselves be led by Noa's movements. I am so absorbed in the music that I don't realise that several songs are passing by, that others are coming onto the dance floor and that time is flying by. Not thinking about the upcoming event or what an idiotic game my life is, just Noa and the music.

In the end, Noa is the one who lets go of me. 'If you'll excuse me, I need alcohol'. Smiling, I nod and Noa walks away. I walk towards a standing table at the side of the hall. Nobody seems to be paying any attention to me and I don't mind that at all. There's a lot of talking going on, too much drinking. I look at the guests across the room, lost in my own worries. 'Highness'. I turn around, stunned, and look into the man in the blue suit, the dawn.

He makes a short bow, with another glass of wine in his hand. 'Congratulations on your birthday'. I just nod, hoping he will leave soon and not say anything. 'I look forward to seeing your coronation approaching soon'. Something has been bothering me all evening and this is the straw that broke the camel's back. The thought that my departure is getting closer by the second, and everyone is standing around drinking, is one that I don't really understand.

'You can't be serious, we both know that'. The man looks at me in surprise, not knowing what to say. I apologise, 'Your Highness, but I do mean it'. For a moment, my eyes turn to the right, gasping with aggression. 'If you were looking forward to my coronation, you would take less trouble to prevent it. Charging me with murder is not something your enthusiasm presents'.

The man seems to be at a loss for words. I stare at him in complete silence, waiting for a reaction. Just when he wants to open his mouth, my father walks in our direction. 'Michael, could I speak to you?'. The man turns to my father. 'If you'll excuse me, I hope to see you soon'. The man makes a small bow to me. My father gives me a quick smile and then walks away with the man.

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