Chapter 3: Little Confessions

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They decided it would be best to get Shouto's things from his apartment during the night, or twilight, when there was the least amount of Media scavenging around the streets.

Izuku had to go out and meet with the league, though he technically wasn't even part of it, so Shouto was left alone again during the day. He slept most of the time, completely exhausted even after his 'nap' earlier. The rest of the time he spent wandering around the house, exploring all the different corners of the room.

When Deku came back, the sun was just beginning to set, casting a golden glow over the small home. It was really quiet when he stepped in, and Deku couldn't help but feel a little worried.

What if something happened? What if Shouto got hurt while he was gone, or somebody had gotten in?

Or worse, what if Shouto found out what he needed to and left, possibly to alert the other pros of the newfound information? He couldn't do that though, right? He wouldn't have!

Deku really wanted to believe that Shouto wouldn't ever do something to betray him, but if life had taught him one thing, it was to never completely trust anyone.

Hoping with all his heart that he was right, Deku pulled out one of his knives as a precaution, sneaking further into the house, checking the rooms, but coming up empty.

He worried his lip as he headed back to the front of the house. It couldn't be true. He had to be somewhere. Shouto didn't seem like that type of person.

But then again, All Might also hadn't seemed like that type of person, but he had done what he had done.

He stepped back into the living room, and as he ran his eyes over the room, he finally noticed the lump covered in a blanket on the couch. When he had first passed by it, it just seemed like a blanket thrown over some pillows, but now he could see the frame of a body, and the steady rise and fall of someone breathing.

Crossing his fingers, he stepped closer and closer, until he was close enough to pull the blanket down from where it covered the head, revealing the sleeping face of Shouto.

Deku sighed in relief, tucking the blanket under the hero's chin and putting his knife away. Seriously, who slept like that? Wasn't it hard to breath with a blanket covering their face?

He shook his head, chuckling to himself. As long as he was still here and alive, it didn't really matter.

As quietly as he could, he headed further into the house, setting about the task of cleaning himself and his weapons, putting everything away that was needed for his job.

Once he got downstairs, Shouto was gone from the couch, the blanket folded and placed neatly to the side. There was a luring smell coming from somewhere though, so Deku followed his nose and the scent into the kitchen, where Shouto stood over the stove, left hand under a pan as he cooked something.

He looked over his shoulder when he heard Izuku walk in, flashing him a small smile before turning back to his cooking "hey, you're back."

Deku smiled to himself, walking in and plopping down on a stool "yup! Done for today!"

He stifles a yawn as Shouto places a full plate in front of him. Shooting him a smile and a thanks, he dug in, hungry after a long day of work.

Shouto raised an eyebrow at him but doesn't say anything else as he sits down across from him with his own plate.

Deku narfs his plate down, grabs seconds, and pretty much inhales that as well, before sitting back with a satisfied sigh. Shouto raises his eyes to look at him, chuckling around his mouthful "you eat a lot for someone so small."

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