Chapter 17: Flowers and Thorns

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The whole country was in chaos after the death of the number one hero.

Deku felt his life was going up in chaos as well.

Sure, there were the good things. Shouto barging into his life, becoming close friends and living together, Shouto joining the league, the death of Endeavor. (Notice how pretty much all of the good things have to do with Shouto. Why is that?)

Everything had been good. Everything had been great!

But then, of course emotions had to come and kick in the door that he had bolted and boarded up long ago. And if that wasn't enough, a bus had charged in right afterwards, running him over again and again until he wasn't sure what was real and what wasn't.

Because that's exactly what he felt when he had heard the voice of his childhood best friend after all these years.


And for some reason, he happened to be at Kess' house. He had connected he dots pretty quickly after that. Kess' mysterious boyfriend 'Kat' or the occasional 'Katsu'.

As soon as Kachan's voice had filtered through, everything had come to a stop. Deku had recognized it almost immediately, even though he sounded older, it was unmistakably him.

He'd almost dropped his phone, though he did drop himself when the call clicked off.


He was alive.

And here somewhere.

Somewhere here living happily with Kess and their boyfriend Kai.

Deku choked on a gasp as he slapped a hand over his mouth, shaking as the tears had started flowing steadily down his face. He hadn't known what to think. All those years ago, after the disaster when they were split and taken away to different places. Deku hadn't heard anything from or of him for all those years.

Until now.

At least now he knew that he was alive and seemingly happy. That was what was most important after all, right?

He sniffled as he thought back to those days in the orphanage, when he was completely alone with no idea where they had taken his friend, the only thing they had left of his family or their previous life.

He still remembers how they were physically dragged from each other, the way Kachan had screamed and thrashed in his captors arms as they led him away, reaching for Deku as he called for him.

Deku had had many nightmares, reliving those scarring moments. He'd always wake up reaching out, a scream dying in his throat as he jerked awake in a sitting position, covered on cold sweat.

And now to find out that he was alive, safe.

He sobbed into his hand in relief.

They had made it. They had both made it. They hadn't lost absolutely everything if they still had each other. That is, if he could find a way to get to him without freaking him out like 'ta-da! I'm now the most wanted villain!'.

That wouldn't work.

Maybe he could just observe from a distance for now. Just the knowledge of him being alive was absolutely amazing, he could probably survive without meeting him if it was for the best. It probably wouldn't be fair for Kachan, but it would be way better than scaring him.

He scrubbed the tear streaks from his face with his palms.

Now that that was decided, he needed to have a seemingly long-overdue talk with Kess.

A Twisted Fate (A villain Deku x Villain Todoroki fic)Where stories live. Discover now