Chapter 20: Izuku's Story

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Shouto blinks owlishly for a few moments, wondering if he'd heard that right.

Was he serious? Was he actually going to finally hear his story?

Izuku takes one look at his face before sighing "I know,...I should've told you long ago but,..." he sighs again, looking away "I guess I was scared."

Shouto tilts his head in confusion.

Izuku frowns at the floor, the look in his eyes distant, as if he's somewhere else.

Shouto hesitates, placing a reassuring hand on his arm "you don't have to tell me if you don't want to."

Izuku grumbles to himself before groaning as he rubs at his face, making Shouto flinch slightly "that's the thing though! I want to! I do! Cuz I trust you, and it wouldn't be fair if I didn't tell you and-," he hesitates, curling in on himself "I just hate to relive it all,...again."

Shouto sucks in a breath, ready to reassure him once again that he didn't have to, but Izuku raises a hand to stop him, shaking his head.

He's biting his lip, fidgeting, collecting himself with a deep breath as he begins his story,

Deku still remembers that day. The day that changed everything. It had been such a good day too, the weather was beautiful, and even Kachan was being slightly nicer than usual.

It was the wonderful summer of age four. Kids all around them were discovering their quirks, and Katsuki never wasted long without showing his off.

Little Izuku hadn't discovered his yet, though most at their daycare already had. Perhaps he was just a late bloomer. At least that's what everybody had said.

It was a regular day, everything was perfect, they never worried about anything, and then everything changed.

While Izuku and Kachan had been playing on the playground by their house, the Bakugou's had gone inside the apartment to the Midoriya residence, sipping tea on the balcony as they watched over their boys.

Everything had been fine.

No one expected anything.

One moment everything was perfect, and the next, it was not.

The first thing that happened was that all of a sudden, everything got eerily quiet. As if everything other than them sensed something was off.

And then, all of a sudden, the building in front of them, where there parents just were, was crumpled down to its base.

It happened in a split second. Fast enough that no one even knew what exactly had just happened.

And then there was a villain, a huge muscular villain, shakily standing up on his feet and walking through the dust and the rubble towards them with a sick smile.

Deku remembers being absolutely bone-numbingly terrified.

People say there's two main instincts when faced with conflict, flight or fight. But in that moment, no matter how much he wanted to just flight, to run away, what he did instead was freeze.

He couldn't move.

Kachan had enough of the fight instinct in him at that moment to take a step forward, hold a hand out in front of him in an attempt of protection. But other than that, they were both frozen, unable to move as they villain stalked closer, and closer, and- And all of a sudden All Might was there, swooping in to punch the scary man right in the stomach and send him flying.

Little Izuku had almost fallen to his knees right there, tears streaming down his face as both he and Kachan adoringly cheered on their favorite hero.

A Twisted Fate (A villain Deku x Villain Todoroki fic)Where stories live. Discover now