Chapter 11: Chocolate Chips and Tattoo's

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It took a little bit of arguing and explaining to the cashier about why he missed when his order was called out, but eventually the packages of food were in his hands and he was headed back to the bar.

Halfway through the walk, he started slightly regretting that he'd gone alone. He had music and headphones for the company, but with the amount of food, the packages were pretty heavy.

Its not like they were too heavy for him obviously, but the constant weight carried on two thin handles was starting to make his arms whine in protest.

Eventually, Deku did make it back just fine. He stomped up the stairs before flinging the door open "hey fuckers, come get your food!"

"Ah! Izuku, you're back!"

Deku's head snapped towards the voice, and promptly dropped both the bags and his jaw. There was a shriek, followed by "Ah!! My happy meal!!"

Deku heard nothing though, as his eyes widened at the sight in front of him.

There sat Shouto with an undercut, his hair brushed back. And if that wasn't enough to make you drool already, his right eyebrow had a slit in the middle of it (*doki doki*), there were small black studs in his ears (*bloody nose**drools*), as well a helix on the right and two on the left (*fucking faints*).

Deku was absolutely speechless as he soaked in the sight, ingraining the image into his mind.

Kess walked by with a snicker as she chomped on a fry "yo Deku, shut your mouth before you start drooling." Deku snapped his mouth shut, face heating up as he looked away "n-nice haircut!"

He could see Shouto smile at him from the corner of his eye "thanks. Now we match!"

Deku covered the lower half of his face with a hand as he looked away.

Too much.

Dabi nudged him with his shoulder "did good work huh? My lil' bro looks hot as fuck now, eh Deku?"

Deku grumbled under his breath as he shoved him away, making Dabi grin cockily and Kess cackle from across the room.

They mostly left him alone after that (read: he ignored their suggestive looks and comments), and everyone sat around wherever with their food.

"Omigod I got a minion!!" Kess squealed as she pulled out her toy "look, he even comes with his own minion poke-ball!!" Deku leaned on his elbows as he watched her "oh yeah, whatcha gonna name him?"

Kess thought for a second before patting the plastic head "Fredrick." Shouto sputtered a surprised laugh "what?? Why Fredrick?" She shrugged and didn't answer, placing him on the lid of her drink so that one arm was holding the straw.

Dabi looked up, noticed the minion and its position, and snorted "oh my god, he looks like a stripper." Deku snorted, taking another sip.

Kess let out an excited gasp "ohmygod yess!! He does!!" She spun him around the 'pole' once "Fred the stripper. He makes big bucks in his sexy orange suit off the closeted gays that come to hide from their straight wives and release their inner rainbow."

Deku promptly choked on his drink, Shouto sputtering out a surprised laugh while Dabi leaned back in his seat and cackled.

Kess just started back at them in surprise, innocent eyes blinking back at them.

After he'd mostly regained his composure, Deku pat her head "please never say anything like that again." She looked at each of them individually in slight confusion, stealing a nugget and stuffing it in her mouth instead of answering.

A Twisted Fate (A villain Deku x Villain Todoroki fic)Where stories live. Discover now