Chapter 21: Crumbling Buildings

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It was just a normal day for Katsuki Bakugou.

Get up at the ass crack of dawn, get ready, lie to your two most important people that you love, and head off to the godforsaken hero commission agency. He'd spend the day fighting bad guys and trying to control the urge to bash the fucking agency people's heads in.

And then he'd drag himself home, lie some more about work to his favorite people, and spend the time trying not to feel overly guilty about it.

He kept telling himself that it was okay because it was all for their own good. He was protecting them as well. But quite a lot of it was selfishness as well. He knew how they'd probably react. They'd flip their shit and then most likely leave him behind.



He didn't want to be alone anymore.

He'd been stripped of his most important people before. He didn't want it to happen again. They were all he had left.

He had wanted so badly to quit, just storm out, and once he even tried it, but their threats were too dangerous to fight with both for him and his loved ones. He couldn't risk it.

And so, he was forced to slave away, with no way out. He had gotten used to it at this point, but that didn't make it any better. He hated working for the stupid agency, hated being bossed around by them, he hated never having an opinion or option.

But mostly he hated lying to Kess and Kai. All they'd ever done was love him and be honest with him and give him their all, but he couldn't even do the same back. He loved them and he tried his best to be the best he could be, but he couldn't reveal everything to them, couldn't be completely honest.

That's why to them he worked as a personal trainer at the gym, his costume and every trace of his work life was hidden, and all the news featuring his agency were skipped.

It wasn't fair, he knew that, and acting off what he thought their reactions would be wasn't either, but he really couldn't risk it.

He just couldn't.

His family was dead.

Izuku was dead.

He had no one else.

There was just the self-proclaimed fucker calling himself Deku that it felt weird to look at, but that was a different story.

The point was, it was the same day as always and Katsuki was suffering.


Tuning out what the director was ranting about this time, he thought to when he'd finally be let off for the day, be able to just go home and relax and-

As if reading his thoughts, the director glanced at him "also, you'll be staying a bit later tonight. We're a bit short for today so I hope we're not getting in the way of any plans?"

Katsuki grit his teeth. Even if he did have plans, they wouldn't give a fuck, he didn't have an option.

Giving him one last look, the director shuffled their papers "no? Good. Well, you're dismissed."

Katsuki strutted out of the office, resisting the urge to slam the door on the way out.

Today would be another long day.


It was late evening, the sun beginning to set already and yet Katsuki still wasn't home yet. He'd texted both Kai and Kess that he'd be coming later than usual today, but they couldn't help but worry.

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