Chapter 30: Repackaged and Sold

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Keigo blinked in confusion, eyes flicking from his boyfriend to the cat-girl on his counter "you need my help? With what? And why does it involve the agency?"

The two in front of him exchanged a look, making him swallow nervously.

"Well," Dabi cleared his throat "this all started because Ground Zero needed help, with the way the agency was and had treated him."

Keigo's brows furrowed in confusion "I don't understand,..."

Kess sighed, sliding off the counter "they kidnapped him Hawks. When he was a kid, they kidnapped him, erased his memory, and forced him into his hero spot. The only thing he got a choice in was keeping his identity secret from the public and designing his costume."

Keigo blinked in shock "w-what? No,..they couldn't,..."

She sneered "they definitely shouldn't have, and yet they did. I'm sure you understand though, with your history too."

Keigo frowned "what about my-"

She groaned, throwing her hands up "oh my god, do I have to say everything outright? A kid popped out of nowhere and saved a bunch of people, the agency showed up and asked to take him in because he just haaad to be a hero, and the fast forward we have a brand-new young hero popping up. Sound familiar?"

He frowned, leaning back "yeah, they took me in and helped me become a hero. So what?"

She raised an eyebrow "they asked politely, and you agreed and your parents just handed you over?"

Dabi sighed "Kess, where are you going with this?"

She shook her head "just think. Would his parents just be like 'oh yeah, here's our kid. I mean if you so need him to be a hero,..' and that was the end of it? Why haven't they shown up?"

She turned back to Keigo "listen, I know you had troubles with your parents, and they weren't exactly the greatest, but even the worst parents would pop up if their kid just became famous, wouldn't they? Why haven't they? Obviously, there must have been some kind of deal for them to keep their silence."

Keigo didn't look any more enlightened, only slightly more awkward and uncomfortable.

Kess swore, rubbing a hand over her face "Jesus fuck,...Takami, they sold you off!!"

Keigo's brows knitted as he shook his head "no, it can't be..."

Dabi bit his lip before sighing "she's actually right though, you know. It makes sense. They took advantage of you Kei'."

Keigo's face scrunched "I don't believe you. They couldn't."

Dabi took his hand gently "Kei' you have to think rationally. Your parents would definitely have showed up by now. Was it your choice to go with them, or did you not have any?"

He shook his head hesitantly "I-, I don't remember. I probably went. I wanted to get out of there."

Dabi hummed in understanding "what about once you were actually there? How was it getting raised by the commission? Did they,...force you to train a lot?"

Keigo nodded numbly before shaking his head quickly "but it was for my sakes! They were doing it for me!"

Dabi looked at him sadly "Kei'-"

Keigo shook his head "I don't,..." He choked back the tears springing to his eyes "I don't want to believe,.."

Kess sighed, her expression unreadable "fine. I'll come to the agency with you tomorrow and prove it to you. You have to know the truth eventually." She nodded to them before heading to the balcony and jumping off.

A Twisted Fate (A villain Deku x Villain Todoroki fic)Where stories live. Discover now