Chapter 24: Playing Hero

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Deku could feel Kess' eyes burning into him, but he really didn't want to talk. What had happened was just an accident, Shouto was tired and didn't know what he was saying.


So there was no reason whatsoever for him to overthink it.

That didn't mean his brain listened to the one smart thought, but at least he could pretend all the other thoughts didn't matter.

Eventually though, he gave up. With a sigh, he pushed himself up from the couch "I'm gonna go to the bathroom real quick."

He hoped she got the hint.

Even if she didn't get the hint, shed probably still follow him so there was that. He stood with the door open for a minute before Kess hobbled in with her cast and he closed and locked the door behind them.

Sitting on the edge of the bathtub, she gave him a look "so? What happened?"

Deku rolled his eyes with a sigh "why do you always think that there's a problem? I could just not be having a good day, or maybe I'm just planning something, or-"

Her unimpressed raised eyebrow made him taper off.

He groaned, pressing his face into his hands "okay FINE! Something happened. Its not a big deal though."

She nodded in a 'keep going' way. He furrowed his brows at her "its really not. We were watching Disney movies last night and-"

"Hold up," she raised her hand "you were watching Disney movies when you could have been watching horror and getting all close?"

He shot her a look "I laugh at horror movies and he's never watched Disney."

"Alright. Accepted."

"Thank you, anyways," he pursed his lips "we were watching Disney movies and before we headed upstairs he,...he said something."


He groaned "I don't know, he was playing with my hair and then putting his face in it, and then there was a kiss scene and-"

"Which movie?"

He made a disgruntled noise "why does it matter which movie?"

"Which movie??" she repeated.

"I don't know, sleeping beauty, I think? Anyways he was complaining about going to bed and then that scene came up and he,...he said,..." he blushed, covering the bottom half of his face with a hand "he said 'is that what I have to do get you to go to bed too?'"

Kess made a confused face "wait, but doesn't the kiss wake sleeping beauty?"

Deku waved his hand "I know its messed up, but that's not the point!!"

She sighs, dropping her head to the side "alright, you're right. But, so? He pretty much said he wanted to kiss you? How is that bad?"

Deku made a frustrated noise, dragging his hand down his face "I don't know, it,...isn't? But it also is? God I don't know, I'm so confused."

She blinked at him lazily "that makes the two of us."

He glared at her "look, did you want to help or what?"

She yawned, stretching her arms out "how can I help when you're so confused about your own feelings?"

He stared at her for a second before flopping to the ground with a sigh "I guess you're right."

She sat up straighter, looking at him with a serious face "okay, let's start from the top. You like Shouto."

He nodded slowly "I'm pretty sure."

A Twisted Fate (A villain Deku x Villain Todoroki fic)Where stories live. Discover now