Chapter 7: Listening Ear

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Shouto's declaration was met with loud cheers, as the room erupted into celebration of the addition of the newest member.

Dabi flung himself at him, capturing him in a headlock and giving him a noogie.

Kess latched onto his other arm, jumping up and down in excitement. Twice bounced about, yelling about a new member. Kurogiri offered him a congratulations of joining the team.

Even Shigaraki seemed to be infected with the happiness, if the way his lips kept twitching into a smile was any sign.

Deku couldn't keep the proud smile off his face from where he stood off to the side, holding poncho as he watched the small crowd.

He managed to catch Shouto's eyes for a moment in the chaos, offering an encouraging smile as he mouthed 'are you sure?' Shouto smiled back as he nodded, seeming 100% sure in his decision.

And Deku was glad. Shouto had found a place where he was happy, and that was happy to have him. Deku couldn't protect him forever, but Shouto was free to make his own choices, and Deku had a feeling this choice would end up for the better. He hoped he was right.

After the incident today though, he had to be careful.

For now though, he thought as he watched Shouto laugh along with his other friends, he would let him just enjoy everything they had.


Deku watches Shouto interact with the others from the counter, one of Kurogiri's drinks in his hand.

He doesn't notice Dabi slide up beside him until he's there, waving to their 'bartender' to make him a drink.

They stand in silence, drinks in hand as they watch Shouto laugh awkwardly at something Twice said, accepting poncho from Kess' arms as they talk. "You've been awfully quiet."

Deku hums in response.

Dabi seems to understand he wouldn't want to talk about it, sipping at his drink instead "so,...what brought on the sudden change?"

Deku glances up at Dabi, before looking back "we had a run-in."

He can feel Dabi's eyes on him, prompting him to continue.

Deku takes a sip before sighing "he went after me and ran into, old coworker from what I could tell?"

Deku looked Dabi in the eye "he witnessed a child get killed."

Deku could see that Dabi could understand the details behind that. He knew of Deku's past, so he would know what exactly would get him acting like this.

Something akin to sadness, and then anger flashed through his eyes as he looked from Deku to Shouto, then back.

Deku sighed again "don't worry, the dude's dead. And I wasn't the one who did it this time."

Dabi's eyes opened in shock, his eyes wide in surprise as he took in this new information.

Who'd blame him.

Deku groaned as he buried his face in his hands "if only I'd gotten home on time, or I made it to him earlier, he wouldn't have had to-,...he wouldn't have witnessed-,...everything could've been okay."

"Hey, hey listen to me" Deku felt a warm hand on his back "it's gonna be okay. Yeah, this shit happened, but it wasn't your fault. And it would've had to happen eventually. You can't protect him forever"

Dabi chuckled darkly "god knows I tried."

Deku peeked up at him "but this wouldn't have happened if-"

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