Chapter 25: Cutting out your problems

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Its been two weeks and a half since 'the incident', and after a lot of insisting that she would be fine all alone and begrudgingly promised she'd stay home, Kai was able to leave Kess at home to head to work.

His group had gotten a new boss, the nephew of the company's boss apparently, and Kai had been getting a lot of insistent emails to come into the office. To say that he was nervous was an understatement.

It had taken him a long time to warm up to his previous boss and current co-workers, though saying they were friends would be too far. They were merely acquaintances, kinda friendly acquaintances, who worked together.

But it had taken him a while to get where he was with management, and now he'd have to start over.

God this was terrifying.

Practically shaking, he forced himself to walk into the building and take the elevator up to his floor, stepping into the office with a deep shaky breath.

Immediately he was hit with how silent the area was.

Where there would usually be some quiet chatter, it was now dead silent.


He could hear the papers being shuffled from the far corner standing on the opposite end.

Swallowing nervously, he made his way to his desk, dropping his things onto the tabletop, about to sit down, when his name was called by an unfamiliar voice. Raising his head, he turned to look in the direction of the voice, finding himself looking at a man peaking from the boss' office, beckoning him in.

Taking deep breaths to calm himself, he hurried towards the office, trying to ignore the fearful and pitiful looks he was getting from his colleagues. Once he'd stepped into the room, the door was shut behind him and he sat into the offered seat.

Wringing his hands subtly, he took the moment to observe the man, his new boss, more closely. The man looked his age, possibly even younger, with a very confident air about himself, though he guessed that's what happened when you were the main boss' nephew and that was the way you landed such a high position.

He was tall, but not overly tall, maybe having an inch on him if not less. His build was slim, but sturdy, with wide shoulders and subtle muscle. His hair was a grape purple, small curled ringlets placed at the top of his head, with his sides cut shorter.

All in all, he was quite a fine looking man, with his expensive suit and pearly white straight teeth.

His personality, he soon learned, was absolute garbage. "So, you're the one skipping out on work for the past, what, almost three weeks? Takes guts."

Kai sat up a little straighter, trying to calm his nerves "I apologize sir, I took leave. It was approved. And I was still doing work, just from home."

The man raised his eyebrow "ohoho? Talking back, are we?"

"Sir, I just-"

"but its fine," the man waved a hand "I guess I'll overlook it since you're so cute."

Kai frowned, fidgeting in spot "I'm sorry?"

The man smirked, sitting down in his desk as he looked him up and down predatorially "I think you've heard, I'm your new boss, Mineta Minoru." He lowered his eyelids throwing him a hooded smirk "but I think I'll let you call me Minoru."

Kai tried to keep the shiver to himself "pleased to meet you, Mineta sir. I'm Kai Kijo."

"So Kai," Kai tried to keep the uncomfortable twitch to himself at the use of his first name "I'm sure we'll get along just fine. And please, I really do prefer if you call me Minoru. You wouldn't go against your boss' wishes, now would you?"

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