Chapter 15: Revelations and Problemos

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As soon as the sword dropped, the world went silent. No whirr of the news chopper, no sound of dying flames, no yells from first responders in the distance.

Just silence.

And then he was smiling.

And Touya was grinning back, and they were laughing, and they were free, finally free!!

Shouto could see Izuku running at them from the corner of his eyes, a grin on his face as he flung his arms out, yelling triumphantly. Shouto caught him and they spun together as they laughed, arms around each other as they shared the joyous moment.

They grinned at each other as Shouto set him down, interrupted by Touya's quiet coughed "gay" into his fist. They stepped away from each other as they blushed, but their smiles couldn't be wiped.

Izuku looked around as the chaos of sirens and yells got louder around them, grabbing both brothers by the arm "c'mon!! Everyone's waiting!!" They ran off into the shadows, away from the camera's sight, having Twice's clones distract them as they ran in a different direction.

As soon as they were safe, Shouto doubled over to catch his breath, still giggling giddily. Izuku joined him, sliding down the wall as he giggled to himself, Dabi shaking his head as he chuckled along.

Dabi raised his fist proudly "we lived bitch! We did it!!" Shouto and Izuku grinned, putting their fists in to meet with his in victory.

Soon enough they were arriving back at the league's bar, getting attacked by Toga and Kess as soon as they walked in. The two toppled the three over as they lunged at them, throwing their arms around each other as they yelled their congratulations and laughed happily.

They were ushered to the middle of the room, where a few tables were pushed together, McDonalds for each of them as well as Kurogiri's specialty drinks. They all sit around the table, everyone yelling out their congratulations and exchanging grins and laughs. Kurogiri pulled up the recording of the fight, and they ate and drank as they watched, adding in little comments and teasing each other here and there.

At the part where Dabi revealed his true hair color, Kess spit out her drink as she slammed her hand on the table.

Once she'd finished her coughing fit, she raised her head "oh my god guys, so," Toga groaned, burying her face in her arms. Kess grinned as she continued "so I was waiting for her outside right? And I was watching the news on my phone, and at this part all I hear in my earpiece is her gasp and then whisper 'I thought he was ginger.' "

Shouto choked on his drink while Izuku burst out laughing, wheezing for breath.

Dabi looked absolutely disgusted as he turned to the blond trying to hide her face "what the actual fuck?"

Toga groaned as she slunk lower in her seat "shut uuup!! I didn't know!!! Cuz like, gingers have no soul or whatever, you know?" Even Shigaraki snickered at him across the table, making Dabi knock over his chair as he rushed to strangle him.

Izuku attempted to take deep breaths as tears rushed down his cheeks, Shouto hiding his sputtered laughs in his hands.

Toga pouts at them "oh be quiet!! How was I supposed to know he has white hair??"


Kess giggled to herself as she pat Toga's back in sympathy. They finished the food just as the news report was ending, sitting back with just their drinks at this point.

Kess sighed as she sipped on her beer "Sho, I'm calling you that from now on by the way," she took another sip "but Sho, you looked like a fucking Ice prince with that sword."

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