Chapter 28: I want to see boys in bikinis too,...

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Deku and Shouto sat across from each other on the couch, legs folded up beneath them as they faced each other. "Alright," Deku begun very business-like "we've gotta lay down some ground rules. Especially to help you while we work on figuring it out."

Shouto blushed slightly but nodded in agreement nonetheless. Deku slid the notebook forward, beginning a list "okay, what's first?"

"Umm,..." Shouto bit his lip as he thought "well to start off, no,...intimate contact?" Deku fought through his embarrassment as he nodded, writing it down "well that goes without saying. What's next?"

Shouto hmmed and hahhed and Deku joined in, trying to come up with some good rules to abide by while they worked on figuring out what they were. In the end, Deku collapsed into his arms with a groan, Shouto slumping back against the couch.

"God this is so harddd!!!" Deku whined into his hands, Shouto leaning over to awkwardly give his back a pat.

They sat in for a while before Shouto spoke up "how about,...we just do everything the same we always have, just, now with this new,...knowledge."

Deku hummed, turning his head so he could look at him "I guess that works. And then just,...move forward when it feels right?" They both nodded, making eye contact, before whirling their heads away, faces red.

"Alright," Deku mumbled, muffled by his fingers "step one is to not get embarrassed every time we look at each other."

Shouto made a noise of agreement but wasn't able to reveal his face either. They groaned into their arms instead about the dilemma. x-x-x-x Later that day, the two were hanging out at the bar, along with Dabi, Shigaraki, and Kurogiri. Toga had finally agreed to go on a date with Twice, and so the two were bouncing somewhere around the city, doing something that probably involved blood in some way most likely.

Kess on the other hand, was going away for the weekend. Katsuki having been assigned a patrol near the ocean, decided to make the most of it and bring Kai and Kess along, so that when he was off they could spend some quality time together at the beach.

Deku and Shouto spent this rare opportunity of quiet to bug Dabi about Hawks.

"How did you guys meet?"

"What's the details of his quirk?"

"Did you kidnap him or something?"

"Can he remove all of his feathers? Like, is the wing made of feathers or is there actual bones and skin and stuff?"

Dabi groaned, sliding down in his seat "what did I do to deserve this?"

The two replied instantly, simultaneously in monotone "Force us to go through interrogation."

Shigaraki snickered from his spot on the couch. It was a new addition.

Dabi glared at the two, eyes flicking back between the both of them, before he pushed himself up with a sigh, sitting back straight in his seat "alright fine, I'll answer some of your questions if it'll make you shut up. SOME!!" he repeated at the sight of their grins.

He turned to Deku first, but as soon as his mouth started to open with a question, Dabi immediately cut him off "I don't know all that much about his quirk, so if anything, go ask him yourself cuz I'm not doing it for you."

Deku crossed his arms, slumping down with a pout.

He turned to Shouto next. Shouto just shrugged with a deceivingly innocent smile "I'm just wondering how the hell it even happened."

Dabi narrowed his eyes at him "We fought, he fell for my charm, we fucked, and happily ever after. What else do you need to know."

Shouto tried to hide his smirk "I'll need to elaborate on 'fell for my charm'. Is that some kind of metaphor, or,....?"

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