Chapter 15 - Trial day 3 - Alfia and Fels side Battle of Knossos

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The third day had come, and Bell's trial is drawing to an end. At the same time, Alfia and Fels just finished resting on floor 18. They set out when the light shone on the dungeon's paradise.

They arrived under a cliff in the middle of floor 18.

"It should be around here."

"Is this the enemy's lair that you spoke of?"

Fels glanced around the area but didn't find anything that could be an entrance.

Then the skeleton noticed something glowing from Alfia's clothing.

She took out something that looked like an eye.

"Alfia, what is that?" Asked Fels

"It's a key."

She walked to a rock wall in front of her and touched the rock with her left hand while she held the eye with her right hand.

The wall exploded and revealed an entrance."

"Let's go, from here on out, be careful, don't speak carelessly about our information."

Fels nodded, and both of them walked to the secret entrance.

"This is not like the dungeon," said Fels as the skeleton glanced around the interior of the newly discovered place.

The structure of this place is entirely different from the dungeon. The floor and the wall were solid concrete.

"It is clearly man-made," Said Fels after he finished analyzing it.

Then, they arrived in front of a door with two statues beside the wall.

Fels inspected the wall by touching it.


A material that was almost impossible to break with ordinary means and very expensive on top of that. The very idea of making a door using orichalcum under the dungeon terrifies Fels.

"Who is this enemy that you are talking about?"

"Evilus. Get ready. We're going in."

"!" Fels was surprised when the skeleton heard the name of the evil organization that lurks behind the scene in Orario.

Alfia raised the key that is now shining together. As if the wall was alive, it reacted to the key by glowing. It lifted itself up, permitting Alfia and Fels to enter deeper.

"Incredible... who could have built this inside the dungeon?"

"Daedalus," Alfia muttered silently.


Deep inside the Knossos,

A gathering between countless figures in white robes was happening. They are all looking at the same place, where few figures are standing.

The first figure, a man with purple hair, slender eyes, with a smile that an average person could tell was a wicked smile. But, to the countless white robes figures, that smile is full of compassion.

He was a god named Thanatos.

Behind him, the second figure, a woman in her 30s with pink hair and yellow eyes.

Her name is Valletta Grede, a wanted criminal in Orario and a member of Thanatos Familia. If one were to say something about her, it would be that she had the same wicked smile as her god.

The third figure, not far from them, a figure wearing a hat and a black and white mask, symbolizing madness. That is what that figure said. He or she also wears a black cloak with 11 masks hanging on the chest. This figure introduced himself as the city destroyer, Enyo.

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