30. ...

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He closed the window behind him, making sure he had everything one more time before carefully making his way to the front. He knew Sapnap wasn't around, but he still didn't trust it. He smiled when he saw Bad and Skeppy's car, running up to it almost as soon as he noticed it. He waved, slowing as he approached the door to the car.

Bad waved back, an expression of pity on his face. He opened the door, throwing in the bags of stuff he had before sitting down and closing the door, getting comfortable in his seat. "I'm sorry you had to go through that, Quackity... You'll be fine though." Bad smiled as Skeppy began to drive again, this time away from the house.

"Yeah, thanks for letting me stay for a little while... Sorry about this Bad." He felt as if he shouldn't be doing this, maybe he's the one in the wrong. "It's fine you muffin head! Everyone needs a bit of alone time." "You're just a bit overdue." Skeppy added, smirking at Bad, who was slightly glaring at him. Quackity smiled, looking out the window as the house disappeared from view.

What if he was the one in the wrong? His smile faltered, what if it was just a misunderstanding? but... It didn't sound like one to him. He frowned, the view of trees, houses, and other varying things flying by as they rode in the car reminding him of when he moved in with Karl and Sapnap. Maybe if he just hadn't moved in with them...

"Oh, Sapnap is texting me... He's asking about you." Bad muttered, causing a wave of pain to rush through Quackity. "What do you want me to tell him?" "just tell him whatever..." he brought his knees up to his chest, hugging them and resting his chin on them. He closed his eyes, could he just sleep and wake up in a new, better reality? He wished.

Quackity knew Sapnap and Bad were related, but he didn't really care. It didn't really change anything, in his opinion. Bad being Sapnaps dad didn't change anything for him. He sighed, smiling as his body started feeling warmer... the tranquility of sleep coming to him softly, cradling him in it's arms. 

Okay I know this chapter is short
Like, REALLY short, 
But the next one is a lot longer
so that hopefully explains why

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