24 | Subtle Celebrations

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Chapter dedicated to wandererbywords

Happy Reading❤️


Riya's Pov

The golden streaks of dappled sunlight poked through the curtains illuminating the room in its natural, vibrant yellow rays announcing a new day, and a new ritual awaiting.

It feels so overwhelming to witness these unrecognizable patterns of myriad honeyed shades of orange and yellow carefully peeping into the room signifying the beginning of a new yet beautiful chapter that was long-awaited to be written in our lives.

Eight days have passed in the blink of an eye, performing the endless rituals and customs without which any baniya wedding is incomplete.

Before the beginning of other rituals, Ganpati pujan took place at our home to seek Lord Ganesha's blessings for the successful completion of all the wedding rituals without any interruptions or mishappenings, along with their blessings for this new yet crucial step in our lives. This ritual was followed by unending set of rituals with each day passing.

We didn't plan on organizing a sangeet ceremony, because when Ayaansh Bhai got married, each and every function was done with huge pomp and fervour, being the first wedding in the house.

And if you belong to an Indian middle-class family, you would know, that the chances of all this pomp and glitters reduces multiple times in case, yours is a second or third wedding of the house.

Thus, it was decided not to plan on my sangeet. Altough I didn't mind it a teeny l-weeny bit as every night has been a sangeet for me in these eight days, because you don't need lavish settings, extravagant decorations, and diverse food items to enjoy and dance your heart out or celebrate your happiness.

Each night, with my family, friends, and relatives around, a lot of dancing, thumkas and masti takes place, along with those dholki sessions, antakshri sessions, Hindu traditional geet sessions, that in-home DJ setup, those maddening dance moves of Purva, weird and uncoordinated dance steps of mine, those amateur yet happy joyous dance of all my relatives, that shy and conscious thirty second dance of dad, that thunderous on the spot couple dance of bhai and bhabhi and the inevitable teensy-weensy crying session whenever any emotional song is played.

I covered my face immediately with the duvet, smartly acting to sleep listening to the incoming footsteps of someone outside my room.

"Riya beta, come get up now. How much more will you sleep? It's the fourth time I'm coming to your room to wake you up." Mom huffed, to which I didn't answer and kept laying unmoved in the hope I would get a little more time fulfilling my unfinished sleep of the past ten days.

"Uthja ab Riya, we are already late, and we still have so much to do before Mehandi vale bhaiya comes. Even Purva has woken an hour before you." Mom nudged me repetitively.

"And God I don't understand why do you have to cover up your whole body and face with this duvet, that too from the front and the sides! Not a gush of air could pass through it." Mom admonished, removing the sheet from my face, and sat beside me.

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