An Arranged Setup that Sparkled into a Love Story of Its Own.
'His nose is crooked!'
'I think he has some gray hair!'
'He looks too mature for his age!'
'Nah! He is seven years older than you!'
'One of his eyes seems smaller!'
'Don't you...
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Riya's Pov
A thousand shudders rippled over my skin as his knuckles intimately brushed the edges of my face and his lips touched mine for a soft, soothing kiss. His slightest touch revealed nothing but longing and passion, purity and anticipation.
My mind couldn't help but wordlessly relish these heart-numbing flutters which felt incredible beyond words, and much to my heart's content, these flutters only intensified with each passing second as his lips didn't move a bit, merely brushing mine like a silent wave of warmth and tranquility.
An array of emotions rushed through my veins at his subtlest contact which felt warm yet so unnerving, comforting yet so intense, natural yet so alien.
Heat rose on every inch of my skin as he leaned his head back after a few seconds of merely grazing my lips with his, only to pass a hazy smile in my direction.
I don't know if it was his intent gaze, or his hazy smile or maybe the buzzing sensation playing on my lips, but whatever it was, it felt strong enough to overwhelm my senses, allowing my heart to thump like a ticking bomb.
Ripples of anticipation flowed through my veins when after passing a glowing smile in my direction, he stroked my cheek gently with the pad of his thumb, while his other palm grazed my waist teasingly and closed his eyes yet again to press his lips over mine for another kiss.
For a moment I stood unfazed, unaware of the next move, too conscious and troubled to decipher what am I supposed to do now. My heartbeat turned erratic in bafflement and my hands stilled on his shoulder as a plethora of conflicting questions evaded my mind. Hence, I couldn't help but feel entirely amateur at this alien gesture.