15 || A Horny Drunk

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Edited: 06.05.2022

Song: Summer Walker, no1 Noah- white tee (slowed + reverb)


I was a natural worrier and I blamed mamá for it.

Watching her worry for others as a child had led me to develop her habit of over worrying. So now every time I grew anxious about Liam hurting himself or Alessio overworking himself, the worrying would get worse.

It was learned behavior that I couldn't shake.

But I couldn't help it, the last few days had passed by in a blur and Alessio seemed way too busy these days to even pay me or his health any mind.

Aside from the good morning pecks on my cheek that he was now fully comfortable giving, I barely got any time to chat with him before he was running off to a meeting or on a call, leaving his breakfast half eaten.

There were some nights where he would return well past midnight with Liam, and those were the worst for my anxiety.

Two of the most important people in my life gone while I was left to worry.

One night Liam and Alessio had gotten in well past two in the morning, I only knew because I was in the kitchen warming myself some milk when they both strolled in looking beyond exhausted.

I saw them before they did me, and I caught a glimpse of the multiple guns Alessio was tossing away onto the counter.

All I could do at that moment was stare at them wide eyed, my body growing rigid. Of course when they noticed me, both men immediately moved them away from my sight, thinking I didn't see.

But I did.

And the idea of them actually using them was even worse. I couldn't even bare to think about it.

I tried to calm down and remin civil, I had a moment with Alessio and I hadn't seen him properly in days but then I caught the splatter of red on the sleeve of his dress shirt, and I couldn't.

I hastily excused myself as I ran to my room, forcing myself to take calming breaths until my mind drifted away from the thoughts of what they were up to.

It took some time to get use to the thought of them being so heavily involved in criminal activities. And maybe I was lucky to be sheltered away from any violence, but it made it harder to process.

The last time I was exposed to any form of violence was that horrifying night. One I never wanted to think of because when I did, all I saw was the gun, the blood and then papa's lifeless eyes.

I hated violence and the thought of something like that happening again to someone I loved kept me up at night.

But Alessio was not like that. He wasn't a ruthless killer.

Alessio was sweet, gentle and caring.

I scolded myself for ever thinking badly about Alessio and the prospect of fearing him.

He was the same man that cuddled me in his sleep. The same man that protected me from the real villains. The same man that took me in when mamá was taken from me.

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