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This is just a short little chapter but I hope you enjoy it.  I wanted to get his out there because it will be a few days before I'm able to update again.  Remember, always be true to yourself.  Never let anyone tell you who you should be.  And it's never to late to be who you might have been.  Take care my beautiful readers!

"Wei........Ying." Lan Zhan whispered in his evaporating sleep. His fingers flexed instinctively to maintain his grip on his husband's hand. His soul reached out, hoping its mate would reciprocate, but it only found emptiness.

"Wei.......Ying." Wangji called again, desperation laced around the name of his beloved. It was frustrating that his body would not wake from its slumber and he struggled against the darkness that held him down. He felt his lover's fingers slipping away and he wanted to scream 'Don't go!' but his voice was paralyzed.

Just as Wei Ying's warmth left his skin, Lan Zhan felt someone bring their hands back together. His heart shouted 'Thank you' to whomever returned his Wei Ying to him and squeezed his lover's hand tightly, swearing he would never lose his grip again.  The person ran a hand over Wangji's loose hair and pushed a strand off his cheek.

"We are here for you, A-Zhan.  Everything will be alright."


 Lan Zhan allowed his mind to drift knowing his big brother was there to help him. Even though his body was immobile, Wangji still marveled at how tired just thinking was. He wanted to open his eyes to see his husband but exhaustion stole his thoughts before he could even try.

"Rest, Wangji." Xichen said, his voice like the warm summer sun. He began passing his spiritual energy into his little brother. The healer had warned them not to force it but to let the energy flow at its own pace. And so, that's what Lan Huan did.

After an hour, Jiang Cheng came to relieve him. The juniors were next in line and then Lan Qiren. After giving their energy, Xichen had set up a regiment of food, meditation, and rest so they could begin again six hours later.  Lan Zhan was never without someone by his side, helping him to heal.

For three days, that was all their lives consisted of. Each one passing spiritual energy to Lan Zhan while they talked to Wei Ying about everything that was going on in all the sects. Anything from politics to local gossip, nothing was left out.

Sizhui told Wei Ying about his and Jingyi's first real date in Lotus Cove and how they both ended up falling out of a boat because Jingyi wanted to see the large koi inhabiting the lake waters. Jin Ling would never let them live that one down. 

 Jiang Cheng talked about how much he missed his older obnoxious brother and couldn't wait until they could go night hunting and play practical jokes on the juniors. He claimed the youngsters were getting too big for their britches and needed to be taken down a notch or two.

Lan Xichen read poetry to his brother-in-law. He also told him that they had a surprise for both him and Wangji but he would have to wake up in order to see it. He explained what was happening to the Yiling Laozu's disciples, that they had been given the chance to either study at Cloud Recesses or become servants who would be treated with kindness and respect. If they chose neither option, Jiyi Xiaotuo would relieve them of all their memories and they would be sent to nearby villages to live out their lives peacefully.

Lan Huan also told Wei Wuxian about Wangji's condition and how he was improving every day. Soon, he would be awake and doting on Wei Ying like a mother hen.

"I know that might sound really nice to you, Master Wei, but, I assure you, Wangji would rather have you awake when he fulfills his Everyday promise."

The Wedding Curse - Book 2 (Complete) Extras coming Sept 2021Where stories live. Discover now