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I was on my way to meet my boyfriend- or you can say, my fiance, to surprise him with a news that I knew he would be delighted to hear.

As soon as I reached his house with a few cans of beer and quite a lot of fried chicken, his wide smile was all I needed to know how happy he was to see me outside his front door.

He, quickly, pulled me into his arms, pouring all the love he was keeping within himself for the past week.

"Kai, you won't believe what happened!" I jumped in excitement as soon as I entered his house. "My brother finally agreed to support our marriage!!"

"No way!!! Really?!!" He asked in disbelief, but the very next moment, he picked me up in his arms, twirling me around with a long squeal of happiness.

"Yah! Put me down!!" I hit him on his arm, playfully, before he put me back on the ground.

Cupping my cheeks, he pulled me closer and leaned forward to kiss me on my lips until I turned my face away and release a loud sneeze.

"Again?" He chuckled, handing me a box of tissues. "Is my house that dirty?" He looked around.

"No, no. It's probably because I forgot to take my medicine today." I lied, awkwardly smiling at my boyfriend.

"You should go home and take a rest." He insisted and I had to agree. I did feel a little sick after that one sneeze.

"But I brought this for y-" He cut me off.

"Then, leave the food here. I'll eat it later." He smiled.


You: Hello?

Namjoon: Where are you?

You: On my way back home.

Namjoon: I'm sending you an address, you need to go there...
She might be able to help you with your problem.

You: What problem?

Namjoon: Aish... Don't act like you don't tell me anything!
The problem with your allergy!!...
Tell her about that.

You: Ohh... You found a therapist??

Namjoon: Yup!

You: Wow~

Namjoon: I know, I'm great~
But I won't take all the credits myself.
Imma thank Hoseok for giving me her address.

You: wait...

Namjoon: You think I'm that dumb?

You: Yes

Namjoon: I DIDN'T TELL HIM!!!

You: You better not!
Anyways, send me the address.
I'll go right now.


Reaching the place my brother informed me about, I walked inside the small gate to reach the door of the pretty house that supposedly belonged to the therapist he was talking about.

At the time I was about to ring the doorbell, I heard a voice of a lady and a man from inside.

They were being quite loud to not eavesdrop on them and that is when I noticed the door was already unlocked.

Sex Education || JHS [Book 1] ✔Where stories live. Discover now