Day 29 » Dry

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(Long ass chapter! Enjoy 😏)

Blinking into the darkness of my room, I hoped to fall asleep as soon as possible but sleep wasn't ready to accompany me through the painful night.

I waited for my eyes to feel heavy- at least, remain closed for more than a minute so that sleep can make its way to my eyes- But nope. No sign of slumber even though it was way past midnight now.

My senses were active a bit too extreme for my own good.

As soon as I came back from our successfully failed date, I stuffed myself under the comforter to seek some sort of- no, any sort of comfort that could tame my wilding hormones.
But it seems like the comforter ain't doing its job that well.

My body was reacting in the same weird way like it did a few times in the past couple of weeks.

No matter how hard I tried to keep my mind to myself, it kept running back to the moments of this evening when I spent a couple of hours with Hoseok outside this house. When he kept sneaking his arms around my waist. Or when he pretended to act like we are a couple. Or when he stared at me with those dark, intense eyes which made my panties drench- Also causing my legs to stick together and my feet to rub each other for God knows what reason.

It wasn't because I was feeling cold. I was sure that was not the problem. Rather, my body felt extremely hot. So hot, that my comforter began to bother me.

I nibbled on my lips as another image of a memory flashed in my mind.

A memory that never existed.

A memory of him undressing me and having his ways- very sinful ways- with me. Him raising my legs up and pushing himself inside me with my legs on his shoulder while drops of sweat slid down his forehead and chest-

I need to stop.

This is getting out of hand.

Forcing myself to get off the bed and go out to the kitchen, I gulped down a whole bottle of chocolate milk from the refrigerator, hoping the cold liquid would make my body temperature a little lower.

"You're here!!"

I almost spat the entire milk out of my mouth.

"What- What are you doing here?" I asked after I turned back to face the owner of the voice.

"I should ask you the same thing." He scanned me from head to toe and then to my hand holding the bottle labeled as 'Chocolate Milk'. "Stealing drinks in the middle of the night?"

"It's way past midnight." I stupidly attempted to defend myself.

I heard him chuckle. His face was nearly impossible to recognize due to the darkness in the room. If I wasn't familiar with his voice and the warmth that emits his body, I would have smacked his head with the glass bottle I was holding in my hand thinking of him as an intruder.

"Anyways, I received the email,"

My heart clenched like a crumbled paper. I knew what the email was about because why else would he be searching for me in the middle of the night?

"From the institution?" I still asked, pretending to be shocked and he nodded.

I forced a smile on my lips, though I doubted it was even visible in the pitch-black room.

"They accepted my email and asked me to visit them tomorrow morning." I could sense a wave of happiness flowing with the words leaving his mouth. He must be so happy right now.

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