Day 6 » Seduction

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I'm screwed.

I'm definitely screwed.

What were you thinking, you idiot?!

I mentally scolded myself, clutching onto my hair in frustration as I felt like crying because of my stupidity.

Who the fuck told you to drink so much yesterday?!!

Damn it, woman!

How am I gonna face Hoseok now?!!

I gasped with the thought.



"Everything's fine?" The man sitting across from me, asked as he tried to analyse why I was acting strange today.

"I'm so sorry." I let out, looking down at my hand, not daring to look up at him.

"For what?"

I shut my eyes close. "F-For asking you to kiss me."

This is embarrassing...

"You still want to?"

My head shot up at him before he came closer to my face.

"Do you still want to kiss me?"

And yet again, my eyes shifted to his lips as I gulped down a lump of saliva.

No... I can't do this.

"I was drunk yesterday," I said. "A-And I'm getting married in a month!"

He raised an eyebrow. "So?... What does that have to do with wanting to kiss me?"

His question caught me dumbfounded.

"Does that stop your hormones to stay stable around me?" He raised his eyebrows again with a slight smirk on his lips as if he already knew the answer.

"It's alright." He stated, though I did not reply to his questions. "It's completely fine if you want to kiss someone other than your partner. It's what your body wants, not your heart."

"Why do your ridiculous words weirdly make sense some times?"

He chuckled. "You're talking to a sex expert, ma'am."

I scoffed with a snicker. "So, Mr. Sex expert, how do I control my hormones?"

"You can't,"

"What do you mean, I can't?!?"

He took a second. "Umm... Let's say, controlling your hormones is not easy, so it's not in your hand." He explained. "But there are a few things you can try."


"Exercise everyday," He suggested.

"Sorry, I'm too lazy for that."

"Then, Eat more healthy food,"

"Can't promise that..."

"Stop watching porn often."

"I DON'T!" I defended, looking away right after.

"Then just think of something that will make you puke or gross out when you can't control your thoughts."

I made a disgusted face after hearing his advice because that didn't sound so assuring.

"Are you sure that's gonna work?"

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