Day 4 » Confidence

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Yesterday, I ended up sleeping at Hoseok's house for 4 hours straight. And as a result, I couldn't go to meet Kai unlike I had promised him.

I texted him multiple times, apologizing to him but he didn't reply, not even seen the text for least.

"You're spacing out for the third time in the last 10 minutes." I flinched at the voice. "Is there something in your mind?" Hoseok asked in worry.

I shook my head, lying.

"Look, you did great yesterday. You sneezed only a couple of times!"

He thought I was worrying about myself so he tried to cheer me up and his compliment actually made me feel better.

How does he do that?

Suddenly, the events of yesterday started playing in my mind, making me feel all the butterflies going crazy inside my stomach.

Oh, how bad I want to feel that again-


"I was wondering..." He spoke up again, making me flinch once again. "Are you perhaps insecure about yourself?"

My eyes grew wide.

How does he know that???

"Since you're shocked, I'll take it as a 'yes'." He chuckled.

"You're right," I admitted, looking away from him. "I am not very confident about myself."

"If I say that your problem might be related to your insecurity, will you try to be more confident?"

I furrowed my eyebrows at him as I was puzzled by what he just said.

"You mean, my problem is because of my lack of confidence and not because of a hormonal disorder or something??"

He nodded with another chuckle. "It's just a possibility that I came up with... I'm still not sure though,"

"Then, how am I supposed to get more confident? Do I have to do a street performance? Or perhaps a strip show in the public?" I joked, pretending to be excited.

He laughed. "You don't have to do those in public..." And smirked making me scoff.

"You just need to know more about sex." He said.

"I know how it's done!" I exclaimed. "I have watched porn a lot of times..."

He raised an eyebrow. "Is that so? I'm impressed!"

I internally smirked, feeling a sense of victory until he spoke up again.

"However, there's a big difference between watching, and educating yourself enough about it, so that you get the confidence to do those things."

"So, what do you want me to do? Try those things with you?" I raised my eyebrows in sarcasm.

"Nope. I wouldn't ask you to do that. Instead, we'll watch porn together."

"We'll, WHAT?!"

My phone started ringing that very moment, showing Namjoon's contact on display.

"It's my brother," I informed Hoseok to alert him not to talk and he nodded.

You: Hello?

Namjoon: I'm so sorry, Y/n...
I forgot to tell you about the appointment I took with a designer for your wedding dress.

You: I'm not even surprised at this point. (I sighed)
Why do our parents taunt me for not having a brain like yours?...
I'm honestly happy that I don't.

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