Day 11 » Periods

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There was one thing I discovered about myself yesterday and that was my NEW Pre-Menstrual Symptoms.

Apparently, all the time I felt horny and wanted to kiss Hoseok or basically wanted him to touch me- and anything near that; it was all because I was about to get my period TODAY.

And now that I realized I did not actually catch feelings for Hoseok, I felt a little less burdened about having to hide things from my fiance.

Speaking of Kai, that man did not contact me yesterday- Nothing new from him though. But since I was resting on my bed doing absolutely nothing but providing carbon dioxide to the plants in my brother's room, I decided to give him a call and check upon him.

Aaaaand... he did not pick up, again.

Must be busy, I thought.

Nevertheless, I really wanted to know what he was going to say at the cafe.

I clearly remember him mentioning something he wanted to talk about. So, I was wondering what it must be.

As I was going deeper into my thoughts, I was pulled back to my senses by a phone call from Hoseok.

Taking a breath, remembering yesterday's moments, I had to slap my face to stop myself from going further so that I could answer the call.

You: Hello?

Hoseok: Hi...
How are you doing?

You: fine...

Hoseok: okay...



You: You want to say something?

Hoseok: oh- Yes...
I wanted to say that I won't be available today.
Can we continue from tomorrow?

You: Yeah, sure...
I got my periods anyway~
So, I'll be resting at my house.

Hoseok: You're on your periods??
Do you want something to eat?

You: No, I'm fine...

Hoseok: Are you sure?
Do you want me to get some chocolates? Or cakes? Or anything?

You: You sound so desperate to meet me... Hahaha

Hoseok: Am I?

You: Lol, Yeah...

Hoseok: Nevermind then-


Hoseok: uhuh~

You: Is cupcakes on your menu?

Hoseok: Cupcakes on the way, ma'am!


30 minutes later~

"You did not have to bring so many of them." I smiled looking at all the different flavored cupcakes fitted in a cute little basket.

"I know, right? I wonder why I bought so many..." He laughed awkwardly.

Today, Hoseok seemed a bit strange. He seemed as if something was in his mind and it was troubling him a lot.

"What are you thinking?" I asked, noticing that he was spaced out for longer than a minute.

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