Day 21 » Solution

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"Hobi gave me a brief explanation of your condition and your progress during the past weeks. But still, I want to know a few things from you."

Hana began, sitting on the couch at Hoseok's house while the man was away to do some grocery shopping.

"Tell me one thing, honestly... How do you truly feel when you get physical with your boyfriend?"

It took a minute for me to think about it before answering. "I couldn't make longer physical contact with him but I felt awfully nervous every time he came closer to me," I explained.

"You 'felt'? How about now?" She asked.

"Actually, we broke up two days ago."

She gasped. "I'm so sorry... I didn't know,"

"Don't worry, it's alright." I assured. "You can continue,"

"Umm... what about Hoseok?" She questioned.

"Hoseok?" I was confused. "What about him?"

"How do you feel when he gets physical?"

My eyes shot wide, almost pooping out of my face.


She chuckled as if she read my mind just by looking at my face. "Don't be surprised, I was just taking a guess." She said. "Didn't know it was true..."

I awkwardly laughed, looking away.

"I felt nervous with him too at first. But then, I got used to his touch." I replied.

That sounds so wrong, to be honest.

"Did you feel any difference between both the experiences?" Hana asked further.


"I'm not sure if this is a difference but whenever Kai touched me- as in hold my hands or hug me, I always felt insecure about myself and somewhat uncomfortable." I described.

"However, being with Hoseok has strangely made me feel comfortable around him. So, I don't feel insecure now... at least, not with him," I added.

"Why so?" She asked.

Hold on, that's a good question.

Why don't I feel insecure around Hoseok??

"I don't know what exactly helped me, but whenever I doubted my appearance, Hoseok has always praised me regardless of how bad I looked. He praised every little thing I tried to do which raised my confidence a lot, I can say,"

Whenever I felt down, he cheered me up by saying something ridiculous that actually made sense somehow.

"And such things made me feel less embarrassed about myself as I believed that Hoseok would be there to praise my embarrassments too."


"What did you guys talk about on my behalf?"

Hoseok came back from the market and went to the kitchen with his bags full of groceries after asking about us.

"Remember what I told you?" Hana whispered to me and I nodded.

"I need to spend more time with Hoseok to fully recover from this?"

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