Day 7 » Bonding

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You: I'm sorry, I won't be able to make it today- Achhhooo!~
I caught a cold.

Hoseok: Hey, no need to be sorry.
Just take good rest, hmm?

You: Achhooo!!~~
Yeah... I will.

Hoseok: And take some antibiotics, a hot shower, and eat warm.

You: Got it- Achhoooo~!!!!



Just when I thought I was getting better, I was proven wrong.

I sighed a deep breath, cleaning my runny nose with tissues when my brother entered my room.

"Y/n, Kai is here to meet you." He informed.

I had a small talk with my boyfriend this morning. He wanted to come to see me after learning that I was not feeling well since last night.

"Let him in," I replied.

Kai entered my room after Namjoon let him inside before leaving us alone.

"How are you doing?" He asked, taking a seat beside me on the bed.

"Not so good." I laughed a little.

"Is this because of your dust allergy?"

"I guess..." I trailed away, looking down at my thumbs that were fidgeting with each other.

I didn't know what and how to explain.

"You said that you were doing better these days,"

I thought that too...

He sighed and added. "Do you want to postpone the wedding?"

I shot my head up at him. "What?"

"We can have our wedding after you recover completely." He suggested. "You can take your time to get well."

Why does he want to postpone the wedding for this???

"No!" I exclaimed. "I'm definitely gonna get well in a month!"

I felt anxious just by the thought of disappointing the person I love so much that I couldn't hold back when he suggested delaying our marriage.

"Are you sure?" He asked.

"Yeah!!" I gave a smile- a fake one. "But if I don't recover before that, we can postpone it."


I continuously chewed on my nails, utterly stressed out while rethinking about my own choice of words to Kai earlier as I cleaned my nose for the nth time today.

This damn allergy- or whatever the fuck this is- I'm done struggling with it!

I dialed a number on my phone and waited for the person to pick up.

"Can you drop by my house while going back home from school?" I asked.


"Is everything okay?"


Hoseok was confused by my behaviour as I was on the verge of crying and it was taking every ounce of me to resist the tears from flowing out of my eyes.

"Hey, what happened?" He sat beside me. "Are you crying?" He asked, patting my back subtly which worked as a trigger for my tears to finally make their way out.

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