Day 27 » Seperation

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A lot of things had happened yesterday and one of those things was my brother snitching on me by telling our parents about my stay at Hoseok's place.

They were quite surprised at first- as they should be- but then they insisted on going back to his place the next day like- WHOSE PARENTS ACT LIKE THAT??

"Did you have your breakfast?" Hoseok asked me very casually as I came out of the room after changing my clothes.

Did you get deja vu?... 'cause I did.

"Yup... My mom wouldn't let me leave the house without eating something."

He laughed a little. "I'm making Waffles. Do you want some?"

"Sure~". Who says no to food?

As he was making breakfast in silence, he spoke up again after a couple of minutes, "So... What you said yesterday..."


"...Was it true?" He asked.

It took me a minute to realize.


I looked away immediately, feeling my cheeks warm up with a possible shade of red as I remembered confessing my feelings for him in front of my parents.

I cleared my throat. "Maybe..."

He nodded and then looked away while a smile crept upon his lips which made my stomach tingle multiple times.

He nodded and then looked away while a smile crept upon his lips which made my stomach tingle multiple times

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"Okay! Let's eat now!!" He exclaimed in a cheerful voice and I chuckled.


After we had the food, I helped him with the dishes as usual.

Since I had been staying in his house, I tried to help him with most of the household chores, although he said I didn't have to.

When all the work was done, I was heading toward the TV to switch it on for my entertainment until I heard Hoseok calling me from his room.

I turned my steps back and went to knock on his door before he asked me to come in.

"Can you sit here for a bit? I wanted to discuss something with you."

I stood there for a second, wondering what he needed to talk about so urgently- I felt kinda nervous because of his serious tone.

Nevertheless, I nodded and sat near the edge of his bed as he was seated on a chair with his laptop on the desk.

I glanced at the screen and saw some articles that he had searched on the internet which were related to the sexual interactions among humans.

I thought it was for his schoolwork since he was a Sex Education teacher, so I slid it off my mind for the mean time.

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