Day 24 » Masturbation

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2 days ago at the supermarket~


"I guess that's enough to survive for the next month."

I nodded to myself with satisfaction and pushed the trolley towards the cash counter when I suddenly felt a hand being placed on my shoulder making me stop.

I turned to see a particular man and almost peed on my pants.


"Can I talk to you for a moment?"

I nervously laughed, contemplating whether to run for my life or wait till he actually does the favor to end it himself.

And I chose the second one because I was already in the process of paying for the things I bought.

I asked Kai to wait till I complete the payment before deciding to go to the nearby restaurant for the 'talk' he wants to do.

This is gonna be my last day on earth, I can feel it..

Now that I think about it... Jin hyung was right. I am definitely a weird guy to fall in love with a woman who already loves another man.

"I have a request," Kai began.

"Wait," I interrupted. "If you want to say 'Fuck Off, MUTHERFUCKER!!'... Just say it, okay? You don't need to make it sound so polite."

He stared at me for a good second before bursting into laughter.

My life seems funny to him???

"Don't get it wrong, I'm not here to tell you anything like that," He clarified. "I just wanted to ask you, what is going on between you two?"

I frowned. "What do you mean...? Nothing is going on between us,"

Kai laughed again which made me more confused than I already was. "That's what she said too."


"Look, I know you guys have been seeing each other for a while now and that's why she decided to end things between us..."

"I'm not sure what you're talking about," I replied as I truly had no clue what he meant.

"We only have a week for our wedding day. I want to know what you did to her that she fell for you and left me."

Wait... What does he mean by that?

Y/n broke up with him??

"I think you're mistaken." I chuckled a little. "She did not fall for me. She left you because of your own actions."

He laughed again. "If you don't leave her, I'll make you!"

Should I tell him that I'm dumb and I did not get what he is saying?

But I like to see this man getting annoyed.

"We'll see about that," I responded with a chuckle.


Present day~

"We need to talk,"

The woman who was going to her room with the speed of light, stopped at my call and turned around.

"How did you learn to do that?" I asked.

"Do what?" She frowned but immediately realised what I was implying to. "Umm... I read about it in some stories..."

"You read smut stories??" I couldn't believe the information I just received while she simply nodded.

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