Day 23» HJ

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(Just a little warning before reading this chapter that it has mature ideas and words, so please continue only if you're comfortable with it.)

(And if you're going to proceed nonetheless, grab your holy equipment 'cause shit is going down... Like literally...)


Since I woke up this morning, I have been hearing multiple sneezes from Y/n's room while I was working out.

I went to check up on her and knocked on the door before she allowed me to come in.

"Did you catch a cold?" I asked, looking at her completely wrapped up in a blanket when another sneeze left her body.

"I don't know..." She let out, cleaning her nose with a tissue. "It happened all of a sudden."

"It's not because of that allergy, is it?"

She suddenly laughed, for no reason to my knowledge, before replying, "I don't think so..."

She's hiding something... I can feel it.

"Okay, freshen up, quickly... I'm making breakfast, so eat it and then we'll go to see you a doctor."

I did not wait for her response and left her room to go to the kitchen to cook some hot ramen- especially for her because she might have actually caught an extreme cold.

However, it felt somewhat odd to think that she suddenly started sneezing so severely out of nowhere... unless it had something to do with her problem.

And I was suspecting she might have something in her mind that she's hesitating to tell me.

Nevertheless, I waited for her to finish the food that I gave her before I could ask her about anything.

"Why are you staring at me like that?" She asked, noticing my fixed gaze on her while she took the last bite.

"I was just wondering..." I let out, keeping my chopsticks down as I finished eating as well.

"Wondering what?" She asked but sneezed right after.

"Do you have any questions, perhaps?"

She frowned. "Questions?"

I nodded taking the used utensils from the table, I put them into the sink as I replied, "Anything about yesterday..."

She did not respond for a few seconds, so I turned to her to find her cheeks which were already red changing into a much darker shade before she sneezed, yet again.

I am right...

I smiled to myself before washing my hands and walking up to her.

"What is it?" I asked, gently. "Tell me..."

She licked her lips while nibbling on them which caused an instant blood flow to reach the area between my legs.





*Y/N's POV*

This is so embarrassing...

I cursed myself in my mind for not being able to have my shit together in front of him.

It's so ridiculous that I was thinking of all the extremely vulgar thoughts possible with this man, ever since what happened yesterday.

This wasn't supposed to be like that!

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