Day 10 » Punishment

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You: You took an entire day off.
How are you going to compensate for that?!

Hoseok: Are you mad at me?

You: Do I have a reason to be mad at you??

Hoseok: I don't know... Not really...


Hoseok: Is this just about yesterday?
Then, I'm sorry, really...
I was busy yesterday.

You: Busy my foot...

Hoseok: What?

You: Nothing.
I'll see you at your house at the same time.

Hoseok: Sure!
See you at 4.


Hoseok almost fell on his knees while laughing when he got to know why I was acting that way in the morning.

"So you saw me at the cafe??"

I nodded a little, acting as if I was mad.

Or maybe I actually was.

"I expected better from you..." I said, making him frown in confusion.

"That's not how you confess to a girl, you know?" I added.

"Oh, really?" He raised an eyebrow. "Now you're gonna teach me how to get a woman?"

My breath hitched at his sudden dominating tone making me look away immediately.

He chuckled. "Fine~ Since I wasted a 'whole day' of yours, if you want to punish me, you can do it. I'll accept anything."


A couple of minutes later~

"Nope. I'm not gonna do that." He shook his head, continuously denying from doing what I asked him to do.

"You said you'll accept anything, didn't you?" I raised my eyebrows.

"But Y/n, I'll get wet!!"


"And??... The weather is cold these days! I'll get sick!"

I shook my head. "Give me a better excuse."

"Why are you being so mean to me?" He pouted while whining like a 3-year-old kid and I almost chuckled.

"You're jumping into that pool and I'm not taking a 'No' from you. This is your punishment, so accept it like a good boy!" I folded my hands against my chest, my stubborn ass not shifting from my will.

Hoseok eventually gave up and slowly started walking towards the pool, making all sorts of weird noises while screaming his lungs out every time he attempted to go in.

I silently laughed at how dramatic he was acting.

But while thinking about that, I got another good idea.

I sneaked behind him to give him a light push towards the pool so that he finally jumps in and gets wet... but before I could do so, that dummy slipped on his own leg and caught my hand before dropping into the water.

Both of us ended up falling into the water. But for me, I struggled to stand straight on my feet as I didn't know how to swim for my life's sake. Thankfully the pool wasn't too deep, so I managed to gain my balance back and stood up.

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