Day 5 » Urges

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*Y/N's POV*

"Are you sure you don't want to attend the party?"

A deep sigh left my mouth before I nodded as an answer. I could literally picture how bad the situation could turn out if our friends starts suspecting us.

Especially Kai.

To be brief about the situation, Hoseok and I were now so comfortable around each other that, sometimes, we playfully hold our hands, or lightly punch each other on our arms- sometimes I even hit him playfully on his finely-toned abs when he tries to tease me for not knowing things.

And the problem now was our friends didn't know about this.

They thought we barely know each other, let alone talk to each other on a daily basis.

"It's better this way." I awkwardly laughed, though wanting to join the party my brother had planned to throw for which he gathered everyone yesterday.

"Is it because of me?... I can come up with some excuse and bail out at the last moment-"

"No, no, it's not because of you..." I denied.

It's kinda because of me...

I know I'll forget to maintain a proper distance from Hoseok once I wet my throat with alcohol. Besides, it's useless to refuse from drinking as my friends know how much I like to drink.

"Look, your brother is throwing this party for you, he will be upset if you don't attend!" Hoseok reasoned.

"I know..." I sighed. "But we need to act like we are almost strangers, I don't want to pretend."

I was already suffering from hiding so many things from my brother and Kai. It was getting harder each day to keep a part of my life a secret.

Hoseok's lips curled into a smile as he looked at me with eyes filled with questions, yet a little satisfaction of some sort.

"Why don't we show them that we are good friends?" He spoke up making me frown.

"You aren't planning anything stupid, are you?"

He laughed. "Nope, you just have to be honest with them." He smiled. "It's your life, Y/n. You can be friends with anybody you want to. Why would you care about what other people like you to do?"

His words caught me dumbfounded.

I couldn't help but acknowledge that he was surprisingly wise and right.

"Do you think they will understand?" I asked.

"Even if they don't, does it matter?" He raised his eyebrows. "Will you end our friendship if your brother or your fiance don't let you talk to me?"

"Though I'm sure the boys won't mind our friendship." He added.


Later in the evening, I went back to my house and saw Namjoon in the living room preparing for the party.

I joined him to help arrange everything so that I can keep him away from breaking things.

Soon, it was 8 in the evening, and our friends started arriving one by one.

I received a message from Kai saying that he won't be able to come to the party because of an urgent call from his work and I didn't argue with that.

He values his work a lot and I respect that.

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