Day 20 » Misunderstanding

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"Hyung, I need your help..." I pleaded to Seokjin hyung who let me into his house and asked me to take a seat first.

"Wait here, I made something," He hurried to his kitchen and came back with a plate full of creamy spaghetti pasta. "Try this!"

I thanked him with a smile as he handed me the plate. Picking out a fork full of pasta, I savoured the wonderful flavour while I hummed in amazement.

"It's delicious, hyung!" I said out.

"I know~" He smiled with satisfaction. "Now tell me, what do you want my help for?"


"So... There's this girl,"

"A girl?"

"A woman." I clarified.

"A woman??"



"Ohh... so, I like her... but there's a problem."

Hyung frowned and I took a long breath before adding. "She has a boyfriend."

"Here we go again..." He rolled his eyes. "Why can't you fall for an ordinary woman?!"

"What do you mean?"

He pouted his lips and started scolding me. "No, I mean, first, you liked your best friend's sister. Then you dated your best friend's girlfriend. And now, you like this girl who already has a boyfriend??"

My eyes grew wide. "HOW DO YOU KNOW I LIKED Y/N BEFORE?"

He laughed. "Oh, c'mon! You guys are my babies~ I know each one of your hidden secrets." He flicked his non-existing strand of hair away. "Now tell me, who is this woman?"

I nervously laughed, looking everywhere but him as I tried to figure out how to tell him the fact that I fell for my best friend's sister, again, who happens to have a fiance now.

"Nevermind about her identity... Just tell me what to do now, please~" I begged.

He sighed. "Does she like you back?"

It took me a minute to think.

Based on what's happening these days, "I guess she does," I replied.

"More than her boyfriend?"

Now, that's a tough question.

"I'm not quite sure about that..."

"Then confirm it before taking any steps." He advised.


Jin hyung furrowed his eyebrows noticing my awkward expression, so he asked me to spill whatever shit I have done.

I gulped, clearing my throat for the nth time before I answered. "I already confessed to her." And that made him do the loudest facepalm on himself but soon regretted when his face started stinging due to the pain.

"Aish...siba-" he almost cursed. "You have no hope right now."

"WHAT? But WHY??"

"What do you mean, 'WHY'?? If she likes her boyfriend more than you, then you have no role in this story."

My heart dropped.

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