Day 25 » Satisfaction

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"Yes?" He turned to look at me and immediately jumped back in horror as if he had seen a ghost.

Is something wrong with my face?

I knew I should have washed my face instead of coming to his room, first thing in the morning!

"You wanted to say something?"

I nodded.

"I wanted to ask you something,"

I was struggling to keep my head straight at the moment because the thing I wanted to know from Hoseok was killing my patience since yesterday.

"It's been 5 minutes, Y/n, say something!"

Guess, I was thinking for a while.

Sighing at myself, I finally decided to speak up, "I don't feel good,"

"Sorry??" Hoseok asked with a confused frown.

I cleared my throat. Here goes nothing...

"I feel a strange pain in my lower belly."

"All of a sudden?"

I looked away. "Well, not suddenly..." I trailed as he was carefully listening to what I was saying.

"Yesterday... I was..."

Urghhh!!! How do I say this????


My eyes almost popped out of my skull when he said the exact word I troubled to speak out-


"What are you feeling? Did you not have an orgasm?"

I almost choked on my saliva.


Not having the confidence to look up at him, I answered, looking anywhere but him.

"I thought pleasuring myself would give me the satisfaction I wanted but that did not happen."

"You didn't have a release?" He asked with the choice of a more blunt word now.

I shook my head. "Was I doing something wrong?"

"It's not necessary that you're doing something wrong if you're not getting the desired result," Hoseok explained. "Not everyone gets pleasure by doing it themselves."

"So what do I do now? And more importantly... why do I feel this pain in my stomach?"

"Did it hurt while doing it?"

"What-?" I glanced up but then looked away again, being flustered. "No..."

"Then it's probably because you did not get to have a release yet." He stated. "I know a way to help that but I'm not sure if that's appropriate,"

And suddenly, he started avoiding my eyes.

"Please, anything! I'm fine with anything for this pain to be gone ASAP!!" I almost begged.

This unusual feeling inside me was making me wanna puke and I wanted it gone at any cost.

He thought for a moment, biting his inner lips and clearing his throat as he proceeded to say, "I will have to finish the work you left incomplete. Are you okay with that?"

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