Day 16 » Feelings

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*Y/N's POV*

I didn't mean it literally when I said that I'm going to cheat on my boyfriend.

I just wanted to get his attention back by making him jealous somehow and I had a perfect plan for that.

-Or that's what I thought until Hoseok rejected my request of pretending to hit on me in front of Kai.

He said that it could turn out wrong and I realised it was a good point.

But how else would I know whether my boyfriend still cares for me or not?

"Should I kiss him?"


"Will a kiss make him attracted to me again?"

Hoseok sighed. "Look, a kiss doesn't work like that, okay? There should be enough feelings between the two of them to draw them towards each other."

"Men care about feelings in this?" I asked him, meaning it in a joking way, but I think I might have offended him a little.

Or a little more than I expected...

"Of course, we care about feelings!!" He pouted, his lips stretched about 2 inches away from his face-

I almost pinched his cheeks...


Then he added, "I wouldn't like to kiss you again if I don't have any feelings for you... But if there are feelings between us, I will have an incredibly hard time stopping myself from kissing you all day long."

And my legs stuck together immediately after hearing that.

I could not believe in myself that I felt something sexual just by those simple words from his mouth.

"WHY DO YOU ALWAYS MENTION US IN YOUR EXPLANATIONS?!!!" I questioned being flustered.

"I DON'T KNOW?!" He raised his voice being surprised at himself.



We burst out laughing at each other's silliness, almost falling off the couch in the process but we held onto each other, saving ourselves from dropping to the ground.

It took me an entire minute to realize how his hands were still gripping my waist.

My heartbeats increased to a dangerously unusual pace.

I couldn't help but shift my eyes up to look at him but stopped at his lips as my mouth went dry.

I must have been staring at his beautifully curved edges of lips longer than I should have as he opened his mouth to say something but he didn't.

One of his hands moved up to my face and rubbed my cheek gently making my face flush a dark shade of pink within seconds.

He did not utter a word but only observed my reaction as if he was testing his impact on me- only if he knew...

He traced my lower lip with his thumb, causing me to open my mouth to breathe in a cold breath but only for him to lean in and close it with his lips.

I shut my eyes, feeling my mind turn into a complete mess as his lips were indefinably flavored with sweetness, I felt like I could taste them all day.

Every second passing by was turning me weaker under his dominance and I couldn't hold myself up much longer.

I laid back on the couch but his lips never left mine even for a single second.

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