Chapter 34

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Chapter 34 – Ann’s POV

After I had a little chat with Darren during his break at the café, I make the decision to go somewhere I’ve been meaning to go for a while but haven’t got the nerve or time. But Darren has to get to his next shift and Clover becomes even more doom and gloom after our encounter with what she continually refers as ‘the thing’– refraining from saying his name since, saying there’s no way he could be a human and I don’t blame her, that guy gives me the chills – she just want to curl up in bed once again so I just go without another thought or I would’ve convince myself otherwise. Besides I think she have enough of the outdoor for today.

I hail a taxi just outside our school compound and tell the driver where to go. Meanwhile, o text Larissa and Clover of my whereabouts in case they get too worried. They're still fussing over me being gone without them knowing, but it's better to just listen to them than to come back to two furious lionesses that's just minutes from tearing your head off. After about 15 to 20 minutes we finally arrive at my destination and pay the driver before making my way to the place that brings bittersweet memories that will always have a special place in my heart.

The park.

The place I went back when Clover went to claim her phone from the guy with the sticky fingers but instead ended up going home with a boyfriend. In addition, she's not the only one. This place and that day will be treasure always. It was when everything was fine; no drama, no complications or disturbance. We were just a bunch of excited girls with the hope of meeting their favorite boy band. Nothing more. It feels like a lifetime ago when actually it has been what? Eight, maybe nine weeks ago? Everything was normal before then, well, as normal as life can be for us.

Unlike the last time I was here, there seems to be some kind of festivities so there are more people around. Children are running around with their parents or nanny trailing behind, some laughing happily while others look like they have somewhere more important to be. This brings a small smile upon my lips, parents these days. There are also some playing on the swings and slides while guardians look over them from a reasonable distance. The atmosphere is lively and cheerful. Definitely what I need right now, Larissa and Clover are nowhere near cheery at the moment and there's only so much bad energy a girl can handle.

Being here brings back memories with Liam; how he help that little girl find her mom, indirectly complimenting me and the way he looked when he noticed I was there. However, that’s the main reason I’m here; I need to get a good grip on my emotions and this is what I can think of on my own. Of all the places I’ve been with him, this is the one where the others didn’t go to; this is our place. I walk towards one of the empty bench and do what I came here to do: to think.

For once, I actually allow my mind to wander about each memory, each word, and each touch to see any indications of Liam lying. Nothing stands out and I remember every moment with clear clarity. But wait…there’s one: my worries when I thought he had been hiding something from me with the private phone calls as I told Larissa and Clover. Though that could just be a coincidence but seeing at how I am now, I doubt it. Then again, what do I know about relationships? I’m just starting and I already got the short end of the stick.

I may look strong or try to, but inside I’m breaking apart little by little each day and I find it harder to wake up every morning. Those images haunts me, they constantly tease me about what I’m lacking. I feel so many intense emotions that at times I find myself seeing red all over. Rage, sorrow and agony are the emotions I feel and I don’t like it. I’m a gentle person by nature and when I find myself wanting to throw Clover’s romance novels across the room, I feel scare. That isn’t me and I never want it to be me. But I can’t help it.

Journey to Forever [One Direction Fan-Fiction]Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora