Chapter 8

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Chapter 8 – Niall’s POV

            “I know you’re there Niall!” the voice continues to shriek when I didn’t answer. It’s her, it’s really is her. I can’t believe it actually worked! Harry is a genius! “Damn it Niall Horan, answer me!” Her voice sounds like an angel even when she’s angry, and I find myself longing to see her face; to see her smile and those beautiful piercing blue orbs. I snap back to reality when the voice let out a loud scream and follows by loud conversations by a few girls.

“Hello?” the she said, calmer this time. “Niall?” I didn’t answer as I can’t find my voice. What’s wrong with me? Why am I reacting this way just by hearing her voice? I look at the lads for help with my eyes, still unable to speak. Harry’s looking at me expectantly, silently urging me to talk, Zayn is giving me an encouraging smile and mouth ‘Go for it!’, Liam’s wearing a creepy smile– he seems far too happy, and Louis is well…being Louis; he’s waving his hands around in an encouraging gesture dramatically and mouthing some things I couldn’t quite catch.

“What did you say?” I ask, covering the phone.

He quit waving his hands around, stood straighter and scowls at me. “Oh god Niall! I said ‘TALK TO HER YOU IDIOT!’” he practically yells.


Turning back to the phone, I hear Clover’s voice asking me to answer her. “Niall, please just say something!” her voice took a turn to desperation, pleading me to speak. “Please?”

I open my mouth to answer, unable to bear hearing her voice so sad and vulnerable, but no sound come out. I try again, still nothing. At last, Zayn groan and snatch the phone from my hands. “If you want your phone back, come and get it. We’ll send you the address. We’re looking forward to see you again Clover.” He hangs up after that and starts to type something into her phone.

I stare at him, “What did you just do?”

“Well, you want to see her don’t you?”

“Yes but-”

“Then it’s settle,” he interrupted me, snapping the phone shut and giving it back to me before turning to look at the other boys. Zayn begins to give each of the lads a task to prepare me to meet Clover; Louis needs to call the maid to clean the penthouse, Harry’s warming up our lunch and Liam’s helping them.

“And what are you going to do Zayn?” eyed Louis, taking out the hotel’s phone.

Zayn smirked. “I’m going to mentor Nialler here on how to get a girl, he’s out of practice.”

“I don’t need a mentor!” I scowled.

“No, he doesn’t. Judging by what happened” – he smirks – “or almost happened yesterday, I’d say he just about have what it take. His skills’ good but raw, just need a little bit more seasoning,” says Harry aka the flirt master, who just come back from the kitchen.

“What do you suggest we do, Harry?” asks Zayn, looking serious.

Putting a hand on his chin, Harry’s looking deep in thought. “Well, first of all, he needs to change since he’s been walking all morning.

“Yeah, don’t want to gross her out,” adds Liam.

I can’t believe they’re planning my loveless love life without me. “Guys!” I yell, waving my hands around to get their attention. “I really appreciate what you’re trying to do but I can handle this, you don’t have to go overboard!” They look at me for a second, clearly not buying it, before going back to their discussion and ignoring me once again.

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