Chapter 21

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Chapter 21 – Maia’s POV

            Click. Click. Click.

            Ann and Liam are talking intimately, sitting on the opposite side, with each other at the end of the booth near the window; Liam keeps brushing the strands of hair falling to cover her face and Ann keeps blushing furiously as he repeatedly to do that in front of the clicking cameras. Clearly trying to keep their relationship on the DL much to Liam’s unwillingness it seems.

            Click. Click. Click.

            Drinking their ice cold chocolate milkshakes, Larissa gently rubs her forehead as she took a sip of hers, muttering “Brain freeze.” Louis sneakily takes a spoonful of her milkshake and shoving them into his mouth to which Larissa notice. “Hey! That’s mine.”

            “What? I don’t know what you’re talking about,” Louis says with a mouthful, smirking. Larissa takes her spoon and go to dig into Louis’s milkshake. “I don’t think so!” he says, blocking Larissa’s spoon with his. This begins their epic spoon-battle as if their spoons are swords, earning us weird and amused glances from the other people from the restaurant. Their eyes convey joy and playfulness as they ‘battle’.

            Click. Click. Click.

            On their opposite side, Clover sits on Niall’s lap as he feeds her to his heart’s desire. Niall’s hand wrap around her waist to keep her steady while the other continuously spoon-feed some delectable food into her mouth. His eyes looking at her with deep passion and love, it feels like intruding to watch. Clover has her arm around Niall’s neck and she occasionally smiles and kisses his cheek. At one time, they lean their foreheads together while Niall whispers some things to her that makes her giggles.

            Click. Click. Click.

            Rose and Harry are talking and laughing, even looking like a couple. They have their hands lace on the table, leaning forward and their feet are playfully kicking each other under the table. “See? You’re looking much better here than in the drab hospital. You’ll get through this, Rose and we’ll help you,” Harry reassures her, rubbing his thumb on the back of her hand. Rose smiles and leans forward to kiss him on his cheek.

“Thank you, Harry. You’ve been a good friend to me.” Harry’s smile look a little forced.

Click. Click. Click.

I’m glad they’re comfortable with the camera outside but I really, really don’t want my picture to be shown on the news. I’m in enough trouble as it is. My parents called last night when I didn’t came home at their designated time, freaking out and practically yelling accusations at me without listening to any of my explanation. “You better go home now, Maia. That’s an order,” my dad yelled through the phone.

That’s the last straw.

“No,” I said, surprising myself. I always do exactly as he says, especially when he’s in a bad mood and that time, he was raging. “You never listened! If I’m gone for a couple of weeks are going to make you listen, then fine! I’m not going home!”

“Don’t you dare talk to me like that, young lady!”

I scoffed, “Or what?”

“You’re grounded! No phone, no laptop, you can’t leave the house unless I say so and you can’t ever see your friends!” he had said with authority.

I laugh a cold laugh, “You forgot one thing; you can’t make me. You don’t even know where I am! The only way you’re going to get me home is if you find me and drag me home!” I hanged up after that, further enraging him. They keep calling the whole night and I ignored them. My parents always make it their goal to control every aspect of my life; what I do, what I wear, who I befriended and where I’m supposed to go. All my life, I listened but they keep doing it and I just have had enough of doing everything their way.

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