Chapter 25

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Chapter 25 - Ann’s POV

“Great,” I mutter. Clover is having a moonlight picnic with her adorable boyfriend, Niall, Larissa had gone missing – probably with Louis since he’s missing too, Zayn had taken Maia somewhere around the grass field, and Harry and Rose are…somewhere doing, well who knows what those two are up to. I don’t really care. Me? I’m stuck here alone and I haven’t seen Liam anywhere! Unsure of what to do while my best friends are having some romantic time with their boyfriends, I’m alone walking aimlessly in the middle of the forest. As if that wasn’t upsetting enough, Liam had decided to take this time to disappear.

In the end, I decide to just take a walk and let my feet guide me to wherever it might lead to. Glancing up every now and then, I couldn’t help but think it’s beautiful here at night apart from the occasional wolf howl, owl hooting and noises from the nearby bushes. The view of the moon is lovely; big, full and bright as the stars shine just as bright around it. I rarely see this back home, unless I go on top of a roof. If only I have someone to share this view with. Sighing, I wonder where Liam could be. We’ve grown closer these past few days, if possible. Whenever he’s around, I begin to notice how my heart would start hammering so fast and hard in my chest, my stomach would feel all queasy as I feel butterflies, my hands would feel all clammy, his touch would send tingles all over my skin and I would find myself in a trance whenever I would just stare at him. And let me tell you there had been a lot of staring from the girls when the guys are shirtless most of the day. We’re at a lake for god’s sake!

“Ahh!” I scream as I feel a pair of strong arms wrapped around my waist from behind. My heart is beating wildly that I feel like it could jump out of my chest any moment and my brain is on high alert. I would’ve screamed some more if it isn’t for someone’s laugh, a laugh I’ve accustom to.

Chuckling, a voice whispers in my ear, “Hey, it’s just me.”

“Liam?” I turn around to a familiar pair of brown eyes staring at me with delight and amusement as he continues to grin. Unbelievable! He had literally left me alone in the woods and now he’s laughing like nothing had happened. “You scared me!” Liam breaks into another round of laughter. There is just something about his laugh that soothes me and I find myself forgetting what I’ve been so mad about earlier but I’m not going to let him get away that easily. Clover and Larissa said I couldn’t intimidate anyone. Let’s see. “What is so funny?” I narrowed my eyes at him, keeping up a straight face and trying to sound mad as he continues his laugh.

“You should have seen your face earlier. It was cute!”

I scowl at him, “There is nothing cute about me being scared! I thought you were an axe murderer or something!” I walked away from him, stomping my feet – a little exaggerate. I don’t get too far before Liam stopped me and his arm find its way around my waist as kiss at the back of my neck, his breath sending tingles all around my body and I feel lightheaded - the effects of being with him apparently. I wonder if this is what they called being in love?

“Come on, angel, I was only kidding,” he say, nuzzling into my neck and I see the world starts to sway. “I didn’t mean to laugh. But it’s true. You looked so cute, but then again you always look cute.”

I lean my head against his. “Trying to buy my forgiveness with compliments I see.”

“Is it working?” I can feel him smirking against my neck.

“Depends, where were you?” I ask as he turns me around to face him. He put his arms around my shoulder give a sly smile, as if he doesn’t want me to know where he’s been.

“Umm…somewhere?” it sounds more like a question when he says it. 

Looking suspiciously at him, I ask, “Somewhere?” Liam nods with that secretive smile still on his lips. “You expect me to forgive you but that’s all I get? No details whatsoever?” I raise my eyebrow, giving him the chance to answer me one more time. Again, he nods. Crossing my arms, I frown. “Fine, don’t tell me. It’s not like I’m anyone important anyway.” I turn the opposite direction and walk away.

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