Chapter 3

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Chapter 3 – Larissa’s POV

I look at the digital clock on my phone, 9:25am. She’s late! I sent her a text 10 minutes ago saying, “Hey! J Where are you now?”  No reply.

I’ve been pacing back and forth from one end to the other end of one of the ground floor store. Clover hanged up on me 20 minutes ago saying that she’ll be here in 15 minutes, she’s 5 minutes late! “God! Where is she? I thought this is important to her to!”

My sister, Anneliese, looked up from the book she’s reading at the bench next to me that I just can’t keep sitting on since a few minutes ago. Unlike me, who can’t seem to stay in one place due to excitement and worry, she seems calm. “Maybe she’s just running late,” she suggested, shrugging her tiny shoulder. “She did say that she’s going to walk, right? Give it time.”

Anneliese’s the picture of sweetness and innocence; her straight golden blonde hair that stops just pass her shoulder - held back with a thin dark blue hairband - looked soft compliment her huge and earnest light blue eyes, pouty pink lips, cream-colored skin and delicate features. She’s wearing a knee-length white dress with small black polka-dot, black legging, a dark blue cardigan and matching blue flats paired with a short silver necklace with a heart-shaped pendant, matching small studded earring and charm bracelet. She wears little barely there make-up; concealer and clear lip gloss to give a shine to her lips.

I know she’s right and that I’m just being ridiculous but the excitement of meeting my favorite boy-band of all time makes my head a little fuzzy. “Yeah but she’s usually on time no matter what!” I said, exasperated.

At that, she just smiled and shrugged before returning to her book.

I respond with a groan. Sometimes I just get annoy at how calm she is, no matter what she never get mad at anyone for anything! That just give people the opportunity to take advantage of her kindness but I won’t let that happen. Well…unless it’s Clover and me - that’s the exception. I’m a less than a year younger than she is and has similar blue eyes that we inherited from our mom, the difference being that hers is light blue while mine is darker, almost midnight blue. In contrast to my sister, I have long curly dark brown hair with long side bands that I swept to the right side, soft pink lips and milky-brown skin. I’m wearing a turquoise short-sleeved Spanish inset dress paired with a brown cork wedges and matching brown belt. To finish the look, I wear a long silver necklace with a butterfly-shaped pendent and matching charm bracelet with a pink gloss.

Taking out my phone, the clock read 9:30am so I text her again. “Come on! Where are you? It’s been more than 15 minutes; I only have so much patience you know!”

Again she didn’t reply. I can’t take this any longer!

“Relax, Larissa,” Ann said, only then I realized that I spoke that out loud. “I’m sure she’s on her way here, probably more of a nervous wreck than you are and need to calm down,” she giggled, eyes still on her book.

“Relax? How are you so calm?” I complained. “I’ve been waiting for this day since forever and I really want it to be something I’ll never forget! Aren’t you excited?”

She shrugged and giggled. “Of course I am!”

I sighed for who knows how many times today and it’s only in the morning. Before I can respond, my stomach grumbled and I didn’t realized how hungry I was until then. Two best friends like Clover and Ann can really drained the life out of you. “Ugh! I’m hungry; you just wait here for Clover while I get something to eat and try to find her. Maybe she got lost or something.”


I walked, wait no, more like stomped to the elevator since it was nearer. I waited, it was packed and step in without glancing around the people around me. Opening my phone, I texted Clover again. “Why didn’t you answer my text?”

Over time, the people begin to leave the lift and it ended up only being me and another person. As expected, no reply from Clover. I groaned. Where is this girl?! I thought she wanted to meet One Direction and Niall! Especially Niall! She better not just bail on me! But why would she? After tweeting them all day and all night long? This just doesn’t make sense!

I took out my phone again, it’s 9:40am and begin to text. A lot.


“You better not bail on us!”

“It’s past 9:30am, less than half an hour till the signing!!!”

“Come on! Don’t make Niall wait any longer! ;)”

“OMG! I just saw the lads!”

“Louis winked at me! You’re missing out!”

“Okay, that’s a lie but please answer me!”


After my tenth text to Clover today, I give up. If she’s not answering now, she’s not answering for a long time. Again, I groaned.  “Why didn’t she answer my texts? 1D signing is in less than 30 minutes! Is she crazy?” I quietly muttered to myself.

I guess that’s not low enough since the only person in the elevator with me chuckled. Great, now people will think I’m crazy for talking to myself. I turn away from the person to hide my slight blush but lose my stepping as the elevator lurched to a stop and I ended falling backwards. However, it didn’t hurt as a pair of strong arms found its way under my arms to support me from falling. “Are you okay, love?” a gentle voice asked.

“Y-yeah, I-I think so,” I stuttered, a bit shaken by the turn of events. He gently helps me to a sitting position on the elevator floor; I close my eyes while I taking a few deep breaths to calm my quickened heartbeat and wrap my arms around my legs with my head resting on it. He removes his hands and instead put it on my shoulders in a comforting way. “What just happened?”

“I don’t know, the elevator probably stop in between the floors,” he said with his British accent. “I think we’re going to be stuck here for a while…”

My head snap up and eyes flash open immediately, there’s no way I’m going to be stuck in an elevator with a stranger and especially not while 1D is having their signing! “WHAT? No! I have to-”

“Get out of here and go to 1D signing?” he said, chuckling mockingly. “Me too!”

Great, a hater. Just what I need to deal with right now. Turning around to face the guy to unleash a lot of curse word and arguments for mocking my idols, I stop dead in my track. What I see might just change my mind for being in this elevator him.



Journey to Forever [One Direction Fan-Fiction]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora