Chapter 39

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Chapter 39 – Clover’s POV

                Heath lay on the dirty ground, holding onto his jaw, wiping away the blood from his busted lip as a result from the impact Niall’s fist on his face. I quickly dash from the wall to Niall’s side as soon as he’s away from me. Nick run towards Heath, helping him up but Heath pushes him away angrily. A flash of fear course through my body; Niall might get a hit on Heath but he was unaware of it, but they now stand together in front of us, tense and ready to strike. They might’ve if it isn’t for the fifth party joining us, his presence I’m not aware of until he speaks.

“I wouldn’t dare if I were you.”

 I turn to the owner of the voice and sigh in relief to see my brother, Aaron make his way from the busy sidewalk to the mouth of the alley where we’re currently are. Hands in the pockets of his jeans, he stalks towards us with a deadly look in his eyes. The tight shirt he’s wearing shows off his build, his biceps bulge with every step he takes. Aaron looks the same as always, even though I see little of him in the past couple days after not seeing much of him since he’s mostly with his family or working since his marriage, and that’s intimidating. Well, at least that’s what outsiders would see. To his family, he’s a loving and protective person that would do anything for his family.

I almost chuckle when the murderous look in both Heath and Nick’s eyes falter at the sight of my brother. Anyone with a brain in their skull, whether they know how to use it or not, would know to never mess with Aaron Ace or anyone associated with him, he’d cut your head off and serve it on a silver platter. That’s just putting it lightly. Clearly even the two imbeciles who only think about power and money know this. I give them props for that. But being raised to think the world is theirs to command doesn’t make them give up that easily. Oh no, their pride is too big to cower away even though that’s the smartest thing to do.

“Aaron, nice of you to join us,” Heath says, trying to look all confident and bravado but I can see a hint of nervousness and if I can see that, so does Aaron, “this guys just assaulted me and your sister is getting out of control. I think it’s time for some damage control, don’t you think?” I scoff, and he sharply turns to me, eyes blazing. Does he honestly think Aaron will take his side over mine? He really is delusional.

“The only one out of control is you,” Aaron says in a steel voice, and raises his hand up when Heath is going to say something, “I don’t want to hear it. Listen Heaths, let me get this clear,” there’s an edge of warning to his tone; “I don’t like you. Never have and never will. So I don’t want to my waste time with you. You get away from here and never have any form of contact with my family ever again especially Clover. If I find you even a mile within her radius, I’ll hunt you down.” He takes slow steps towards them, “You either disappear on your on term,”close to their ears, he whispers, “or mine.” Aaron takes some steps back so he’s standing in front of Niall and I, like a shield. “Your choice.”

I can see Heath clenching his jaw. He’s challenging Aaron with his eyes and Aaron meets his gaze unwavering. All of us stand still, waiting for each other to make a move but I allow myself to relax. At last Nick seems to get nervous as he starts to tug the sleeve of Heath’s shirt, but he’s only get shrug off. They start to have a heated, hushed discussion. From the looks of it, neither of them is happy and can’t seem to come to an agreement. Their argument comes to an end with a grumble from Heath. He takes one icy look at the three of us and saunter off with Nick hot on his tail.

As soon as I’m sure they’re really gone, I lean my head on Niall’s shoulder and his arm instantly wrap around my waist. It is then that I realize just how tired I am. Having my guard up around that jerk really drain my energy, not to mention I haven’t had anything to eat other than the glasses of Shirley Temple earlier at the bar. “Well, hopefully that’s the last we’ll see of him,” Aaron says, turning to face us, his eyes immediately narrows at me. “But he’s right about one thing; you’re getting out control, Clover, and I don’t like it. I hate him for hurting you and you went to a really bad place. You got better and I was happy. Now you’re going back to that place.” He shakes his head, “You need to stop this.”

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