Chapter 9

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Chapter 9 – Louis’s POV

Play, pause and rewind. And repeat again.

“Why did you pulled away?!” she asks. The black haired girl – Niall’s girl – laughs, shaking her head. “Of course you would ask me about that first.” “Well, what else am I supposed to ask?” Clover smirks slyly. “The love of your life, Louis Tomlinson.” “Yeah, whatever,” Larissa rolls her eyes, smirking.

Play, pause and rewind again. I could just look at this forever.

I am looking at the security footage of the elevator live from the security room of our penthouse and I couldn’t seem to tear my eyes away from it. “The love of your life, Louis Tomlinson.” Those words keep replaying in my head, why do I care? A lot of girls say that but why do this one seem to stand out? I guess it’s how she acts; one minute she’s your biggest fan and next minute she doesn’t seem to care about you one bit. I don’t know why I find that intriguing.

Larissa seems to have some kind of wall surrounding her; she can be all nice and open but the next time, the walls will come up and she’ll be closed off and defensive like the time we first met. I knew she was a fan when I hear her muttering complains about being late to our signing and when she found out it was me on the elevator with her, her happiness is evident in the ways her eyes gleamed and the shocked expression on her face. But then I mocked her. The bright, happy girl is then replaced with a girl who couldn’t care less in ten seconds flat.

But now I see that girl again and I scold myself for mocking her yesterday. The way she smiles when my name was mention makes my stomach flutter in happiness. The term Clover used - ‘the love of your life’ – makes the fluttering worse. But I like it. And apparently she does too.  The thought of that makes me smile.

“Hey, Louis! Where are you?” I hear someone call, follow by others.

I called them in. Niall, Harry and Liam appear into the room seconds after. Niall’s looking like a nervous wreck with Clover’s phone in his hands, holding onto it for his dear life. “What have you got there, Lou?”

“You’re girl’s here and apparently she and Larissa got into a fight on the way here. They just made up,” I say, not taking my eyes off of the screen.

Niall stiffen at the mention of his girl. “How is she?”

“Fine, I guess. She isn’t screaming.”

Harry’s looking over my shoulder. “What are looking at?” I replay the scene again for them to see. Harry’s smirking at Larissa’s reaction to my name. “I see that you’ve got yourself a crush and it seems like you got a chance.”

“Yeah, it seems so,” I shrug indifferently but can’t help smiling.

Liam appears over my other shoulder and Niall – over his shock – is trailing behind him. “Ann’s not with them?” I shook my head, a sad smile on my face. “Oh.”

“Sorry man,” says Niall, patting Liam’s back. Liam looks sad but he’s trying to hide his disappointment. “Maybe she can’t make it,” Niall try to cheer him up but we know that’s hard to believe.

We exit the room and go to the living room to greet the girls. The place is now spotless thanks to the speedy maid service, the soft couch is crease-free with the pillows perfectly arrange on each couch, scented candles fills the room with a sweet-smelling aroma mixed with the delicious aroma of Harry’s cooking and a dozen red roses sat on the coffee table in the middle of the room. Niall’s sitting against the arm of one of the couch, facing the elevator door with Clover’s phone still in his hands. I walk over to him, “Hey, can I borrow her phone for a second? I need to do something.”

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