Chapter 31

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Chapter 31 – Maia’s POV

            “Where have you been?” My father’s voice questions as I try to go into my room undetected. I stop in my tracks and glare at the man I call my dad.

“I was at campus with Ann, as usual.” I try to not sound like I hate him but it’s kind of hard when your father decides you can’t be independent because his other daughter made a mistake. Curfew is one thing but assigning a bodyguard to be on your ass like superglue every minute of the day is a whole different level of protectiveness that only I have the pleasure of experiencing. Yay! Not!

He places the book he’s reading down on the coffee table and takes off his reading glasses. “You’ve been spending an awful lot of time there,” he notes.

“Well there isn’t much places I could go to, is there?” I ask bitterly.

“Maia,” my dad sighs, “I’m only doing this because I love you and I don’t want anything bad to happen to you, you know that.”

“Oh, like how you love Lyra?” I challenge him and he flinches. We never talk about my sister anymore, it’s like she doesn’t exist. One day she’s daddy’s little girl and the next, she’s a stranger. Love huh? “It’s funny because you said you love her too and where is she now? She’s not with us anymore. Lyra has been gone for two whole years, dad! Or do you not love her anymore because if you do, you would’ve notice that!”

He looks down. “I do love your sister,” he says curtly.

That just gets me angrier. He wants to talk and then when I get to the subject I really want to talk about, he backs down. “Oh, is that how love is to you?” I spat. “Disowning your daughter because she did something you don’t approve? Even when she was crying, begging on her knees, for your blessing and forgiveness? You just looked down on her like trash! Don’t you have a heart? Can’t you even have the tiniest compassion for your own daughter?!”

“Maia,” my dad warns for me to stop, his eyes cold as ice.

But I can’t. I’ve been bottling this up for way too long. The words just keep coming. “And did you ever, even once, think about how it would affect me? I spent every day with her, doing pretty much everything together. How did you think I would deal with the loneliness? You have your business to worry about, mom busies herself with charity work and what do I get to do? School just breeze by in a second and then what?!” I practically scream. “You guys don’t want to talk about it! I went to find my own companion! And now you’re angry with my behavior when in fact you’re the one who cause me to behave like this!”

“Maia!” he yells, standing up.

But I already turn around and head to my room. “Whatever, dad.”

I stamp my way to my room upstairs. It’s childish, I know, but it gets the point across. Mason, my bodyguard, is already perch outside my room like some FBI agent. He rarely talks or shows any emotion but now I can see his lips turn up in a half smile, amuse. I don’t know why but I have a feeling that he enjoys my misery. I go into my room and lock the door, slamming the door for another effect, before falling face first on my queen size bed. Then I scream into the mattress until my throat hurts.

My dad seems surprise at my outburst. I don’t blame him because I surprise myself. Never have I ever show that much emotion since my sister left. That’s what I get for spending time with the girls and Zayn who pretty much forces me to face my problems and emotions.

God, I miss him. I miss looking into his smoldering brown eyes – his gaze that would swept over every feature with great precision, like an artist – that’s fill with so much intensity and curiosity, his smooth hair when I run my hand in them and his perfectly chiseled cheekbones, soft to the touch. I miss being in the safety of his arms, how my heart would beat  wildly when I look into his eyes, how mind went crazy at the thought of him, how the fluttering in my stomach won’t stop when he’s around and the hum of my lips after we kissed. I need him; Zayn’s the only one I can talk about this.

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