Chapter 27

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Chapter 27 – Rose’s POV

 “Come back here, Rose!”

My laughter echoes through the night’s air as I race down to the lake with Harry only a few feet behind me as he slowly diminish the distance between us. “You have to catch me first, Hazza!” Our footsteps fill the silent night as we continue huffing, neither of use willing to give up for our own reasons. Undoubtedly, his has something to do with the male pride. Me? It’s fun to see him struggle and I just love to tease him.

It isn’t until a few seconds later I feel a pair of arms warp around my waist and someone breathing down my neck. “Gotcha!” Harry hollers as he hoists me up. I giggle until Harry to lose him balance and the next thing I know I’m laying on top of him with my back facing him. I sit up and shove Harry down as he tries to do the same. “Hey! What’s that for?” he ask, nudging me playfully.

“That’s for falling and taking me with you!” I hit him playfully. “I’m not that heavy, you know!”

Grinning, he says “You’re not the one carrying the weight.”

I fake-gasp and hit him repeatedly until he hold his hand up in surrender. “Okay, okay. I’m sorry, I take that back.” I smile smugly. “But you have to admit, I have a point.” A frown replaces my smile and I continue my assault on Harrys back, hitting at him in annoyance. Not that it seem to have its desired effect as he is doubling over in laughter. Damn his hard back muscles. He didn’t stop me this time and my arms are getting tired so I stop. “You done?” he smirks. I smack him one last time and collapse next to him on the grass.

Harry brings his arm under my head as a pillow and I make myself comfortable. Catching our breaths, we just lay there for a moment looking up at the starry sky as we’re envelope in a comfortable silence. I turn to look at Harry only to see that he’s looking at me so I quickly shift my gaze back up at the stars. Great, now I look like a total stalker! I hear him chuckle and I could just feel the blood rushing to my cheeks. God, I hope it’s dark enough for him to not see them. “You’re mean,” I say, without thinking.

“Why? For making you blush?” So much for that. I elbow him hard on his rib in answer his question. “Ouch! Someone’s feisty tonight,” he teases but I don’t say anything. “And here I think I might surprise you with a little treat. Oh well…” I know he’s fishing a reaction after me, I just know it. But I find myself asking ‘what?’ taking his bait. “Oh nothing you need to worry about, it’s nothing, really…” Now I have to know.

I sat up and turn so quickly that Harry lay frozen at my sudden movements. “Tell me what you planned,” I demand. He relaxes his posture and gives me one of his signature mischievous smirks, taunting me. “Harry,” I warn him. He closes his eyes as I pout. “Harry, tell me!” I shake him roughly. Still nothing. “Harry Edward Styles! Don’t you dare ignore me!

He dares.

I huff out a breath of air in annoyance. Let me give it one last try. I lean down to his face slowly, not saying anything as I place my hand over his heart softly. “Harry,” I purr into his ear. I can feel his heart beating faster now, his breath becoming shallower. “If you don’t tell me now, I’m sure Clover has a straightener somewhere in her bag and I wouldn’t hesitate to use it on your fabulously curly hair,” I threaten, making sure to have a smile on my face. As expected, Harry’s gorgeous green eyes snap open in horror. I lean back a little, “Now, we wouldn’t want that to happen, do we?” He quickly shook his head.

With a winning smile, I stand up as I struggle to hold in a giggle. Didn’t he know I might need a plug to use a straightener? Where would I find one in the middle of the forest? What did he expect me to do, hold it up to the sky and hope to get struck by lightning? No thank you, I would go into much trouble for that. I raise my eyebrow questioningly at him still laying down on the ground. He groans and holds up his hand for me to pull. I just stare at it and smile mockingly. “Who’s mean now?” he mutters as he stood himself up.

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