Chapter 12

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Chapter 12 – Larissa’s POV

Clank. Clank. Clank.

“Do you hear that?” I ask Ann who’s leaning against the frame of her bed, reading ‘The Lucky One’. She didn’t seem to hear me, her eyes still glue to the book. She’s wearing a pink night gown with white lace around the edges, hair in low side ponytail. Ann had been out of it since we got back; her mind seems to always wander elsewhere. “Ann!” She jump and look at me alertly. “Did you hear that?”

She looks confuse. “Hear what?” Just as she said it, there’s the sound again. Clank.

“That.” I get out of my bed and try to find where the noise came from. Clank. “There it goes again!”

Ann closes the book and follow suit. “What is that?”       

“There’s only one way to find out.”

Our dorm room is dark, only illuminated by our bedside lamp and the light of the moon through the window. Clank. The sound seems to be coming from our dorm room window so Ann and I slowly creep to it. She’s behind me and holding onto me tightly. It takes a while to walk there as the room is in dim light and a lot of our stuff is clutter on the floor. Many scenarios play out in my head the way I see it in the movies of how this could end and none them end up well.


Peering through the window, we let out a sigh of relief as we look into the grinning faces of Louis and Liam. “Took you girls long enough!” shouted Louis, smiling adorably. I feel my heart racing at the sight of him; he’s wearing plain short-sleeved grey t-shirt and jeans. His dark hair swept to the side of his face, stopping just above his eyes. Liam on the other hand wears a light blue buttoned up shirt with black jeans, his hair frame his chiseled feature.

“Louis! Liam!” I exclaimed excitedly, “What are you guys doing?” I lean against the window frame, looking down at the two figures below and Ann mimic me.

“Throwing pebbles at your window,” says Louis as if it’s the most normal thing in the world, “what does it look like we’re doing?”

I roll my eyes at him and Ann giggles. “Obviously, but why?”

“Come on down here! I’m taking you somewhere,” he says, gesturing me to go beside him. I start to protest but then he gives me a look. “Just come please? I’ll make it worthwhile.”

I don’t need any further encouragement. “Give me 5 minutes,” I yell. I scramble across the room to switch on the light and find something to wear. With little time, I manage to get a faded blue skinny jeans, long red tank top and matching red flats. I let my hair loose and apply a light pink lip gloss. A bunch of red and pink bracelets are on my right hand while my usual silver charm bracelet is on the other. There’s a knock on the door and I hurry to find my small pink handbag. “Looking for this,” Ann hands out the bag I was looking for and I smile gratefully at her. There’s another knock on the door. I rush past Ann to open it, expecting to see Louis’s smirk but Liam’s polite smile greet me instead.

“Hey, Louis is waiting for you downstairs,” he enters the room. “And I was hoping that while you guys go out, Ann and I can have a movie night.” Looking hopefully at Ann, “That is, if you want to.”

Ann blush slightly and starts to say something before I cut her off and answer for her, “She would love too!” She gives me a look that says “Stop it!” but I just grin at her. She likes Liam, I know she does. Being shy and all that, she needed a little push or maybe a shove. And that’s exactly what I did – I shove her into Liam’s arm when I ‘accidentally’ bump into her on my way out, saying “Bye! Have fun!” I giggle all the way down, thinking what would happen to them. Liam’s going to have to flirt like a mad man to get the shyest girl I’ve ever known.

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