Chapter 40

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Chapter 40 – Larissa’s POV

Laughing loudly at what the blondes are saying, I feel whatever weighing on my heart being lifted. I feel free to float like the clouds in the clear blue sky; it’s liberating to finally see the full picture. On the patio, Charlotte and Felicite have been telling me and Ann tales about Louis; all his quirks and mishap unknown to the press. The raging jealousy I feel for Lottie is replaced by wonder on how I can even hate her without knowing who she is. I practically hated the girl’s gut just because she’s in Louis’s arms – the way he makes me feel is insane.

“I’m serious! You have no idea how annoying it is!”Lottie slaps the exposed skin of her thighs to show her seriousness, “The attitude he was giving Martin was…! Ugh!”

I take a sip of my lemonade, smiling amusedly, “It can’t be that bad.”

“To think that he would understand, he’s been dating for all of his teenage years! But he’s treating Martin like he’s some kind of criminal! You don’t know what it’s like – I really like Martin and I don’t want Lou to scare him away.”

“You’re right, I don’t,” I shrug, placing my drink back on the coffee table. “I only have a little brother who – as caring and annoyingly wonderful as he is – doesn’t care about whom I date as long as I’m happy, and a loving but protective father who is thousands of miles away. That leaves my sister and my best friend that’ll look after me.”At the thought of Clover, my thought drifts to our fight. How long ago was that? We still haven’t spoken and the feeling of sadness creeps up to me.

It must’ve shown on my face when Felicite, who’s sitting next to Lottie, asks me, “Larissa, are you okay?” The two girls almost look identical with minor differences but they differ significantly in personality; Lottie is more vivacious in nature while Fizzy is more shy and reserved – and that trait allows her to see the little things Lottie didn’t, like how I’ve gotten quiet all of the sudden or the distant look in my eyes. 

“Nothing,” I shake my head, smiling forlornly, at them. “I was just thinking about my best friend, Clover. We had a huge fight and I haven’t heard from her since. She’s in the US right now, she left right after and I didn’t know.”

“Just like that?”

I let out a tiny laugh. “Well, the fight wasn’t the reason she left but it was because of the subject of our argument. Even then, I wish it didn’t end up like it did. We said things we didn’t mean – well, I didn’t mean it, at least not the way I made it sound – and we pushed each other’s button until the point that we hurt each other’s feelings.” I still remember her last words: I always did wonder how we became best friends.

Ann, who has been sitting quietly next to me, places her hand on my shoulder. “You guys will work it out, Larissa. I’m sure she’s feeling just as awful and is just building up the nerve to talk to you too.”

I just nod and smile reassuringly at the three of them.  However, on the inside, I’m not so sure how it will work out. We were both pretty awful with each other that day. “Why don’t you guys just continue talking, I’m going to stretch my legs for a while.” I leave with giving them the chance to persuade me to stay. Without meaning to, my feet follow the paving stone path in the backyard garden – not really enjoying the different plants but walking and my mind not registering it.

As usual, my mind drifts to Louis. As if on cue, the butterflies in my stomach begin fluttering and followed by a rapid pounding of my heart. He’s not even here and he has this effect on me. A smile tugs itself on my lips, remembering our reconciliation.

Staring outside the bedroom window, there are three things I’m sure of. Firstly, the house is magnificent, hands down one of the best I’ve seen. I really didn’t notice before. Secondly, I love Louis Tomlinson and I don’t want to lose him. That’s what my behavior these past few days taught me. And lastly, I’m nervous, really nervous; the girls left me alone a few minutes ago and without a doubt, Louis is going to walk through that door any minute now. I just know it.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 12, 2014 ⏰

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