Stop making swords,little mushroom

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Little! George (0-3)

Cg! Eret

Supernatural au: Basically they get weapons or powers on their 15th birthday. :) kinda like the game soulworker or works which ever one.

Yeah. I like my au i made.

Eret sighed. George was in Little space with his power. Making swords and controlling them to fight with but can cause him to get deep cuts all on his body.

There was swords all over Eret's castle and no sign of George. Until he heard a cry. "George!?" Eret yelled. "P-pwap!" George tried to say.

Eret ran to where George yelled. He turned the corner and found a bloody George who had tears streaming down his face.

Eret went to get some medical supplies. He returned with them and started to bandage George's arms and legs.

"Shh little mushroom it's okay..your safe." Eret repeated to George as George's eyelids got heavy.

By the end of the day the two were on erets throne asleep cuddling.

A/N: I like this au for stories should I just keep using at times?


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