The flu and wall art.

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Little! Tubbo

Cg! Ranboo

Lot's of ideas come from my rp messages

The poor ram hybrid lost all his files by a failed shut down in a computer. He was beyond upset but that wasn't the worst part. The flu had invaded the smp. And he lived in the most vulnerable place, the tundra. And of course he got it.

Ranboo was worried about his beloved. He wanted to help but didn't know how. This left him with a disadvantage. But tubbo showed more childish behaviors.

So ranboo played into them. That brings us to the present.

Tubbo just coloured on the wall cus  Ranboo tried to fix the files but went to grab a cup of water. And saw the art on the wall. Tubbo turned around and showed him the art.

"Ades it for yous!"

"I-i- very pretty"

A/n: got bored and lonely (ˉ▽ ̄~)

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